dual boot

i have a dual boot linux mandrake10 and windows xp and i have installed the bootloader at the mbr, how can i remove linux and the bootloader without damaging windows??? can i do it in the windows environment???

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151 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-23
i have a dual boot linux mandrake10 and windows xp and i have installed the bootloader at the mbr, how can i remove linux and the bootloader without damaging windows???
can i do it in the windows environment???

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500 Posts
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Joined 2004-04-06
I currently have fedora core 2 and win xp on a single hard disk in my pc. I intend to remove the win xp installtion and reinstall. How do i restore the grub bootloader after that cos i know that the windows bootloader will overide the grub bootloader.


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I hope you have a good reason to re-install Windows!
Anyway, I borrowed the following from another forum;
You have to boot from the first cd of fedora, in rescue mode.
If you are in the prompt, do the following:
# chroot /mnt/sysimage
# grub-install <device> (where device is /dev/hda, if that is where you MBR is at)
Of course, if you have a boot floppy, go to a root console and just type in;
# grub-install <device>