EPSON Multifonction Stylus SX400 and linux

Hi every body I'm new on this forum and french so you perhaps will excuse me for my level of english. I wanted to know if the EPSON Multifonction Stylus SX400 works without any big problems with linux (mandriva, ubuntu) ? I know that normaly, epson and linux are good friends but.

Linux Hardware 765 This topic was started by ,


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Joined 2008-07-19
Hi every body
I'm new on this forum and french so you perhaps will excuse me for my level of english.
I wanted to know if the EPSON Multifonction Stylus SX400 works without any big problems with linux (mandriva, ubuntu) ?
I know that normaly, epson and linux are good friends but ...
Thanks for those who can help me.

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1 Posts
Location -
Joined 2011-05-27
Hi every body
I'm new on this forum and french so you perhaps will excuse me for my level of english.
I wanted to know if the EPSON Multifonction Stylus SX400 works without any big problems with linux (mandriva, ubuntu) ?
I know that normaly, epson and linux are good friends but ...
Thanks for those who can help me.

Before Natty, printing was instant (connect USB, start printing) but scanning involved many hours of configuring with really preposterous steps.
I'm happy to announce that since Natty, the SX 400 works instantly for both printing and scanning.