/etc/hosts problem

Not long ago, I ran some live cd's. One was Beatrix, and the other DSL. After running these cd's, I get a message when I log in could not look up internet address for box. This will prevent GNOME from operating correctly.

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Joined 2005-01-23
Not long ago, I ran some live cd's. One was Beatrix, and the other DSL. After running these cd's, I get a message when I log in
"could not look up internet address for box.
This will prevent GNOME from operating correctly.
It may be possible to correctthe problem by adding
Box to the file /etc/hosts" .
Log in Anyway - Try Again
that was after running DSL, after Beatrix, just replace the word "box" with "Beatrix"
I have to click "Log in Anyway" to get in.
When I open a terminal it says
[bill@box ~]$
When it used to say (before these live cd's)
[bill@localhost68 ~]$
I have run "Puppy Linux" without this problem. Both of the other cd's (DSL and Beatrix) seem to be based on the Knoppix kernel and they are the ones that have caused me this problem.
Can anyone offer a suggestion on how to correct this problem, short of reinstalling FC4.
Windows XP & Fedora Core 4
on a
Compaq Presario SR1426NX
2.93GHz Pentium 4 Processor 515J
160GB 7200RPM Serial ATA hard drive
512MB PC2-3200 DDR2 SDRAM

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
A possible solution. See the real solution (last post) on this thread.
Try using your old name of bill@localhost68 as noted in the example.
Make sure you backup your hosts file first, as the example suggests.


169 Posts
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Joined 2005-01-23
Thanks danleff that worked! I had to add box to /etc/hosts ,but I dont get the "could not look up internet address for box" message anymore. THANKS!