GREEK on Fedora Core 1

I have had repeated problems in my attempt to get Fedora core 1 to allow me to write in greek. If any one has any help to offer, or has solved such a problem in Greek or another non standard language please reply.

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7 Posts
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Joined 2004-09-27
I have had repeated problems in my attempt to get Fedora core 1 to allow me to write in greek. If any one has any help to offer, or has solved such a problem in Greek or another non standard language please reply.
Thank you
Philip Prescott-Decie

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
The release notes from Fedora Core 1 admits a problem with Greek display. I wonder if the issue is display, rather than what is being written. A google search reveals no real answer.
Let's see if anyone has a possible solution.


7 Posts
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Joined 2004-09-27
Oddly i tried installing Titus Cyber bit which is a very good font for greek, I tried changing all the fonts in the themes and compbatability and everywhere i could find to fixed (another good font) and then suddenly after weeks of effort while typing in Gaim to a greek friend using english characters, I was suddenly typing in greek. This proved a problem a little later as no greek command was (naturally) understood by the terminal so i had to reboot.
Any help would be apreciated.
Thank you
Philip Prescott-Decie