
I received a warning today from Tech Republic that the main source code for the Linux kernel was hacked last week. A hacker changed just 2 lines of the code which would of enabled him/them to gain access over a system running that code.

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I received a warning today from Tech Republic that the main source code for the Linux kernel was hacked last week. A hacker changed just 2 lines of the code which would of enabled him/them to gain access over a system running that code. The invection was spotted several days later and rectified.
What is the best messure to ensure security on the net while using Linux?

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Joined 2003-01-03
Quote:I received a warning today from Tech Republic that the main source code for the Linux kernel was hacked last week. A hacker changed just 2 lines of the code which would of enabled him/them to gain access over a system running that code. The invection was spotted several days later and rectified.

What is the best messure to ensure security on the net while using Linux?

NO... NO... NO... NO... NO... NO... Debian servers got compromised using the Kernel integer Overflow. Not a buffer overflow... this one was extremely hard to detect. Its effects are affecting Every Kernel to a certain revision.

There is also a CVE for it. Give it a rest.

Debian Security Announcemnet 403-1

DO not ever spread the word like this. The two lines of code were bad to begin with. And it was a LOCAL exploit only. So they would have to get onto the machine first with a valid account then exploit the vulnerability.