HELP! What media player for various video types?
Here is my problem. I want to get away from Microslop Corporaid for good but I have some various video file types of various ages that need certain codecs, etc. I am running 2K sp2 (this is the last M$ product I will ever use) and testing diff flavours of Linux on a seperate partition.
Here is my problem. I want to get away from Microslop Corporaid for good but I have some various video file types of various ages that need certain codecs, etc. I am running 2K sp2 (this is the last M$ product I will ever use) and testing diff flavours of Linux on a seperate partition. Most play in (ack) winDOHs media player, they ALL play in of all things, Real Player 10.0 after many 'updates' and Divx codecs installed. I tried unReal Player in Linux but it performed nowhere near as good as the sin32 version. WHAT IS THE BEST LINUX MEDIA PLAYER (preferably compatible with Suse 9.1 personal, I am liking it best so far) OUT THERE FOR PLAYING VIDEO FILES (I don't care about dvd, etc.)? HEEEEEELLLLLLLP!
P.S. I can't be bothered listing all the types but will settle for a player that will play most types. I am willing to scrap a few vids (and Microspy) for the right player. Program and codec download addresses would be helpful (TIA!). My fear is having to keep a 2k partition around just to retro view. My dream is to become totally free of Microsux.
P.S. I can't be bothered listing all the types but will settle for a player that will play most types. I am willing to scrap a few vids (and Microspy) for the right player. Program and codec download addresses would be helpful (TIA!). My fear is having to keep a 2k partition around just to retro view. My dream is to become totally free of Microsux.
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Responses to this topic
SuSe 9.1 uses Totem. I've not tried them under SuSe yet, but Mplayer and Xine are pretty much standard. I believe Xine is already in SuSe 9.1 as well. Try them and see if they will work for you. If not, there may be copywrite protections that you may need to work around.
Totem should play everything you just need with the w32codec pack. I use Mplayer with the w32codecs on Debian/Sid and I can play every video format using Totem or Mplayer
Thanks for your responses. I am starting to see that Linux is still no walk in the park (just downloaded MPlayer 1.0 and everything that goes along with it). I can tell you one thing, I will be doing alot of readme and instruction printing BEFORE I get in real deep. Nothing worse than feeling 'stuck'. I tell you something else too, Bill and friends will never kill this kind of community spirit. They must be having nightmares (don't think for two seconds, they don't 'snoop'). I can just see the inter-office memo "this linux thing is growing Bill, how do we crush it too?"
"In the near future, windohs users will be pitied and laughed at". (ReFoRMaT 04)
"In the near future, windohs users will be pitied and laughed at". (ReFoRMaT 04)
Hi ReFoRMaT,
Just minutes ago, I was watching a DVD on my newly operational Suse 9.1 mplayer installation. Here's how to do it.
Just minutes ago, I was watching a DVD on my newly operational Suse 9.1 mplayer installation. Here's how to do it.