Installing Linksys WUSB54G

I want to install this adapter on my laptop and needed help on how to do it. I have Ubuntu hoary hedgehog release. .

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Joined 2005-07-07
I want to install this adapter on my laptop and needed help on how to do it. I have Ubuntu hoary hedgehog release.

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Responses to this topic


305 Posts
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Joined 2003-08-30
if none of the hoary native drivers work you will need to get jiggy with this...
plugin the adapter and see if ubuntu can see any eth1 devices by running iwconfig in a terminal.


5 Posts
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Joined 2005-07-07
I cant seem to use the ndiswrapper tool
I have the drivers but i dont think i installed ndiswrapper right


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Which version of the WUSB54G do you have, version 1, 4? They have different chipsets.
I don't know if ubuntu has the wireless tools package installed, as well as the kernel headers or source packages, but can you tell us what you did so far?
Did you read the installation wiki page?


5 Posts
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Joined 2005-07-07
How can i tell the version of the adapter?
So far i downloaded the ndiswrapper did the make distclean
and make and make install
but when i type ndiswrapper -i it says command not found
P.S. I have one computer that is XP and using that to go online so you could give me step by step instructions on what to do for my laptop. I dont have internet on that yet. Thank you for the help so far. Im a noob with linux


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Quote:How can i tell the version of the adapter?

Look at the back of the case and see if it tells you. Say, wusb54g v4. Or, just give us the name of the .INF file for the adapter.

Quote:So far i downloaded the ndiswrapper did the make distclean
and make and make install
but when i type ndiswrapper -i it says command not found

Are you doing this a root user? If so, sometimes you have to find the relative path and use that.

As root user, type;

whereis ndiswrapper

If it outputs something like /sbin/ndiswrapper, then type in as root user;

/sbin/ndiswrapper -i <the name of the inf file>

But during the build, did you get any error messages?

The issue here is that the kernel headers or source need to be installed. See the directions. I'm not sure if this distro has either included in the base installation.

Once we know these answers, I can refer you to some resources.


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I just ordered on of these for my mini-itx system. It should be in later this week. I have never tried Ubuntu, but maybe I will give it a go!