Installing MDK 9.1
I'm currently downloading the new version of MDK. I have also been doing some checking on installation problems and I've noticed that I should not do the upgrade option. How do I remove my current version of MDK 9.
I'm currently downloading the new version of MDK. I have also been doing some checking on installation problems and I've noticed that I should not do the upgrade option. How do I remove my current version of MDK 9.0? also do I really need the third disc for a good installation. I'm dual booting with XP Home.
Thanks Art
Thanks Art
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If your /home directory is mounted on a seperate partition then all you should have to do is boot off the first 9.1 CD and reinstall over your old / and swap partitions (remember to earmark them for formatting though). If it isn't, back up everything important in /home and then do the same thing, boot off the first CD and reinstall.
Thanks for the info do I really need the third CD?
I don't think so, it appears to be just internationalisation stuff so unless you speak a language other than english and prefer your OS to be in that language I'd imagine you can do without it.