Kanotix + Partions = Hard problem

Hello, I am trying to install kanotix x-2004 on a 20 GB hard drive. Windows has a 19gb partition. I can not resize it. I am using Qtparted. i have try many times to create a new partition but i got no where.

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I am trying to install kanotix x-2004 on a 20 GB hard drive. Windows has a 19gb partition. I can not resize it. I am using Qtparted. i have try many times to create a new partition but i got no where. The Windows partition is active. If i can inactivate it can i resize it then. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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Gmail invites for any that can give any information.


305 Posts
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Joined 2003-08-30
hmmm? Is the windows partition NTFS? Does anyone know if you can shrink a NTFS part with out destroying it? I don't know a way to do it.


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No it is a FAT32 partition.


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I'm not sure if you can resize a fat32 without destroying it either.
anyway I reread your post and I'm not sure what you wnat to do. Do you want to shrink the fat32 down and make room for a linux or get rid of it all together.


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I want to make room for linux. My father just paid a $100 for xp so he wants to keep it. I finnaly got it to get where you can resize the drive and create partitions. But when you click commint it gives an error. In root it show this error "Unable to allign partitions properly". Then there is Error "780481 clusters instead of 7480485 clusters like the app. said". Am i doing the install wrong? I type sudo kanotix-install in the Shell. This is the first time I tried to install linux on a computer.


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Forget it. I solved the problem. Quit trying to install it. This is way to hard to install. Maybe when i finnaly get my mandrake 10.1 it will be easier. I learnt 2 things out of this. Linux is hard and NEVER Buy Disc from EBAY.


2895 Posts
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1. Forget Qtparted.
2. Before you do anything, defrag the Windows partition. This will prevent any loss of data on the Windows drive. Windows has a habit of placing files near the end of the partition.
3. Defrag again to make sure. Look at the windows defrag utility to make sure that the chunks are all near the beginning of the partition.
4. Get PartitionMagic and resize the Windows partition, leaving empty space large enough for the install of Linux. Make sure that there is enough empty space for you needs.
5. Install Linux, telling it to use the empty space for the install.
If you don't want to shell out the cash for PartitionMagic, there is a Windows program that is free that can do this for you. I am not using windows right now (surprise), but will be happy to look it up for you.


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danleff, is there any Linux utility that will resize Windows partitions without loss of Windows data, fat32 and NTFS? Can it be done with the Mandrake partitioning utility? It's been so long since I've had a Windows partition I can't remember.


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Hey, my family has been using Linux ops for as long as I can remember, but I too am having trouble installing Kanotix to disk. I found one guide, but about halfway through it stops making sense. Does anyone know of or would be willing to give me a basic walkthrough of installing kanotix? I'd be willing to kill my current xp partition or keep it just the same.
Also, does anyone know of any official issues regarding ubuntu on HP notebooks? I've never been able to install ubuntu of kubuntu on my ze2000 series- it simply hangs after it boots the kernel for the setup. It's a shame, since ubuntu is such a nice system to come out of linux.


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Can you post what exact model of HP that you have?
Also, providing a link to the install guide you mentioned would help.
In Ubuntu, you can try passing the noapic command to the kernel on install and see if this helps. So, at the splash screen install menu, pass the option noapic and see if this works.
I will also guess, depending on what exact model that you have (video card and all) that certain issues are at hand.
You may want to look at this linux forums thread.


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I have an HP Pavillion ze2309nr of the ze2000 series. It seems like others are having the same problems with ze's at the ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1078573#post1078573 in this thread. What this guy describes is the identical situation I am in [with Ubuntu].
This is the Kanotix guide: http://www.canadiancontent.net/tech/computing/installing-kanotix-linux I'd imagine this one is pretty popular because it's the only installation guide I have yet to find for Kanotix, nonetheless, somewhere along the line, doing what he is asking you to do stops making sense and clashes with what you are actually doing.
Sorry, your forums wouldn't let me use html and I can't figure out the URL utility so you'll just have to deal for now.


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Actually, the information that you are starting to get on that furum is good advice. Realize that these HP notebooks are specifically made to run Windows and have proprietary hardware in them, again, designed for Windows. HP has a line of notebooks preinstalled with various flavors of Linux, so you know that it can work.
Make sure that PnP OS is set to off in the bios, as suggested. If this does not work, try the noapic command at the install splash screen.
The other issue is video. This system has an ATI RADEON XPRESS video card, which could be one of the problems. See the article here regarding the VGA setting during installation.
These are some of the issues with the hardware that you have to deal with.
At what point do the instructions on the Kanotix guide stop making sense? Is the guide specific for the version of Kanotix that you are trying to install?


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One of the easiest to understand Kanotix install guides can be found at http://kanotix.com/FAQ-id_cat-63.html#q275 . It includes very good screen shots as well as some of the optional installationideas such as on USB. I do not know if it covers the problem you are having on your HP. You could also try the Kanotix forums, they seem very complete. They also have a very good wiki installation which covers gobs of alternate install options but it seens to be down at this time.