Linux NOOB here!

Ok i am very new to linux but i enjoy it very much, problem is this i have a logitech mouse and it doesnt want to work in the install of linux, i am running windows xp and i cant figure out a way to partition my harddrive in order to instal linux.

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Joined 2005-02-10
Ok i am very new to linux but i enjoy it very much, problem is this i have a logitech mouse and it doesnt want to work in the install of linux, i am running windows xp and i cant figure out a way to partition my harddrive in order to instal linux. can anyone help me?

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23 Posts
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Joined 2005-02-06
Mouse) Buy a cheap one at like Wal-Mart or somthing.
Partitions) The First Partiton should be Windows. You should Leave at least 5GB of Unformatted/Unpartitioned Space at the end. I use Partition Magic for this.
-fello semi-n00b


94 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-30
Which mouse model is it, and is it USB or ps/2.
What distro are you using?


175 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-25
Well when you install xp, just don't use up all your hard drive space when you create a partition, leave at least 5 gigs or so, depending on how much you plan to use linux and what you will store in it. Then once you partition the windows partition, you will make the linux partitions in the installation.


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Joined 2005-02-10
> Logitech:registered: Click!:tm: Optical Mouse
had to find it so i knew exactly lol, its in a USB port cause i seem to have issues with my logitech mice in my PS/2 port. i know its odd. as far as the partition is i guess i could try partition magic, i know that FDISK didnt want to cooperate with me.
so ill try that
thanks alot