MacCompatible to complete the trilogy

Hi Phillip, Just wondering if you've ever considered setting up just to complete the set? I'm sure there are some people with fingers in both pies who'd be keen on it. Especially since you can run it off the same server as NT and Linux.

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686 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-28
Hi Phillip,
Just wondering if you've ever considered setting up just to complete the set?
I'm sure there are some people with fingers in both pies who'd be keen on it. Especially since you can run it off the same server as NT and Linux.

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3867 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-04
I had a chance to play with a friends OSX laptop the other day. I was pretty impressed.
Still I would never get a MAC for my home PC but I'm definetly considering one for a laptop (especially since I'll be able to put Windows/Linux on it).
This would get me to add OSX to my PC Game Compatibility List. It's up to 2500 games now!.....and still on an excel spreadsheet..... The horror!