my rant

yes hello gentlemen (i don't say ladys because the ladys have enough common sence to stay away from linux) and welcome to my rant against linux. Let me first of all start by asking everyone why the hell linux is better than os/2 or windows? Now for all you people who immediatly jumped up and screamed cost or someth ...

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Joined 2004-07-15
yes hello gentlemen (i don't say ladys because the ladys have enough common sence to stay away from linux) and welcome to my rant against linux.
Let me first of all start by asking everyone why the hell linux is better than os/2 or windows?
Now for all you people who immediatly jumped up and screamed "cost" or something simuular let me tell you this. You get what you pay for.
And the other who say they don't want to further the world domination of microsoft. Who really cares? so what if they own n% of the worlds assets, at least they get their job done, no matter how crappy they do it.
Second of all you may think stability. Yes good ol' stablity dosn't mean crap if there isn't anything to run on it. You may have the urge to screem that there is a tonn of gpl programs out their... yes tonnes then you have to split them beween mandrake, debarin (?sp) redhat, gentoo, suse, lindows and possably 100's of others. and then there is the difrent versions and the diffrent acuhtectures which most of the time require a diffrent build. The main thing that lets linux down is standardization.
"Yes, yes but they are open source you can insert the distros core script into the program to get it to work (whatever)." you might say, but billy your forgetting that most normal people don't know how to program.
And just becasue linux is more stable dosn't mean that the programs are stable. Take wine for example, i don't belove it has ever run anything from windows above a splash screen or dialoge box. I'm using konkor (?sp) to access the internet and that frequently stalls becasue it can't run the cookies and scripts in certain websites becasue they are ment for windows.
Also i have a gefore card which i only got working one and cannot get working in linux again. I have already tryed several times to get it working but everytime i change the driver my gm shuts down and refuses to work no matter if i change the drive back. I end up having to reinstall mandrake and now have lost count. With windows if i fuck up my graphics driver i can easely go into safe mode and change it back.
i am sick of typing now stuff it im going back to the 'inferiour' prodects of microsoft and telling everyone i know (3 people) to stay away from linux

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Responses to this topic


1678 Posts
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Joined 2003-09-27
I'm sorry Linux wasn't to your liking. NEXT!


309 Posts
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Joined 2004-02-24
i agree with dapper dan
linux isnt for everyone i like it for office structure, and other base applications
for windows i admit they own a big market share, they make a good system but not the most stable
my issue is being a newbie i dont have full experience with linux
but first and foremost what do you get when you install windows xp home(just base narrowing as i see it i know theres more)
driver support for a multitude of thing
internet explorer
win kernel
ability to play games
disk defrag
disk cleaner
few games
and good easy management tools
windows media player
now fedora core 2
openoffice 1.x
few other office programs
good driver support
a adjustable experience
cd ripper
server ability
multitude of games
programming tools
multiple window manager to choose from
for You get what you pay for
free you get a damn lot of programs
suire for newbies its hard to install and their are a multitude of programs ranging various distros but youll find one based on the engine to run on your distro
on stability it is stable and its meant of more than an office enviroment not gaming maybe media but give it a chance its worth it


336 Posts
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Joined 2004-07-09
cough, cough, hack! I was consuming a beverage as I read the opening two sentences,
and nearly choked as I read the second sentence (the question aka opening salvo).
aheeemmm... hhhhrrrkkkk.. cough.
I can't believe d_p actually seems to think there's a valid comparison
between OS/2 and GNU/Linux. Deviant, perhaps. Troll, certainly.
I'm conjuring up the sound of Jabba the Hut's rolling chuckle provoked by
Han Solo's bold but futile action in Episode 6. Not that I'm making comparisons,
mind you, as they'd be just as much a distraction as Leia in that little leather number.
But I'm feeling amused right now...
hey, there must be a reason why the Government of Brazil,
the City Government of Munich, IBM, and now even the
State Goverment of California are all relying on GNU/Linux.
ya think? Hey, Professor, the Land of 'THIMK' is now the Land of 'Linux'!


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Just a couple of points.
Linux does not need defrag. This is done automagically.
I was forunate enough to get the free version of Star Office a while back. Bout the best office package out there! I can work on all my MS Office documents at home. I can also make my documents into PDF files to share with all our offices.
All my web page designing and family albums for my web page are done using Blusfish, NVU, Quanta Plus and jalbum. My Nijon Coolpix camera works in Linux, so All my editing is done in Gimp.
Two weeks ago, each of my family members called to say that their Internet Explorers were highjacked. After solving each problem, I found out that my sister had a variety of spyware and virus files on her system. She was sharing the wealth.
They all said Aren't you having any problems? Nope, I said, I have Linux.
None of them will allow me to put Linux on their systems.
Until IE and Outlook Express security issues are dealt with, I will stick with what I have.
Yes, I have windows XP on one of my systems. My Microtek C6 scanner does choke and grind with Sane, so I use it in XP. I can remotely connnect to each family's XP system and troubleshoot easily. There are some benefits.
I admit, I had a heck of a time getitng some things to work in Linux, but as time goes on, these problems dwindle, as each new release comes out.


397 Posts
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Joined 2001-10-13
It is refreshing to see you reveal your true identity in dropping your user prefix, and, it's obvious that you've made up your mind, given up, and don't really want any answers to the rather simplistic questions and assertions you rant about. I've watched as everyone here has tried their darnest to answer your 16 (pretty belligerent) posts. As people who all have different distros of Linux successfully installed, and running productively, we know that you're probably just ignorant, but, worse than that too lazy and fickle to really find out what Linux is about.
The Linux Desktop is still relatively immature in comparison to your Window$, but, is getting better every day. Windows continues to become more and more screwed up and disfunctional. If you can't see that, you should probably remain Bill$ buddy. I'm sure he'll give you what he wants.


214 Posts
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Joined 2002-10-05
It's not that Linux is not for everyone, it's more like everyone is not made for Linux.
There're plenty of programs around there, you just need to know where to look.
If you think that typing [tt]./configure[/tt], [tt]make[/tt] and [tt]make install[/tt] makes you a programmer... well... I wish it would be that easy
And finally...
deviant_prick, if you can't spend an hour to read your Mandrake documentation, then it's obvious to me that you're one of those people who're better off without Linux.


99 Posts
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Joined 2004-07-16
Yes, your name describes you well, and Linux isnt for everyone, the same can be say for Macs, they arent for everyone either. You dont like Linux, boo hoo, thats your business, but you really dont need to be whining about it here. After switching my gaming box completely over to linux I have found some games dont work yet, but with so many people also using it theres bound to be the fix shortly. As for Antivirus and Spyware protection, dont need any, they scipt kiddies are too busy making new viruses for Windows, and with the security built into linux, spyware cant install itself.
As for what you get, Windows gives you media player, email client, web browser, and thats about it.
Linux gave me, Media player which supports DVDS natively, and built in Divx support, cd burning, email client, web browser, graphics software
Mostly though, I like that when a game freezes up, the system isnt locked up as well, ctrl-alt f1, or something like that, opens up a new terminal session, and I could probably kill the xsession, but i just reboot to kill it, and thats a safe reboot instead of the cold reset button.


336 Posts
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Joined 2004-07-09
GNU/Linux is both ingénue and mature.
It is mature in process isolation and system security (SELinux being the ultimate).
Mature, as in: a mature technological base and design. It is mature in
international standards compliance.
It is immature in that it persists in expanding the universe of hardware with
which it works, despite the lack of effort on a manufacturer's part to provide
support for their products.
It is immature in that it is a platform for software innovation.
You may choose to do business with vendors who stand behind their products and labor.
If you do so, then you'll live in your familiar "everything works" world.
A wise person once said: Unix not user friendly? It's very user friendly!
It's just picky about who its friends are..
Linux is an inheritor of a design philosophy and tradition which
pre-dates Microsoft.
(interesting wordplay if the hypen is removed.. hmm.)
If you do not feel up to the task of learning a different way of doing things,
then stay in your comfort zone. Not everyone has the talent to work with
nitromethane fueled racing machines. Heck, some folks are dangerous operating
a bicycle.