need help w/ Gentoo linux 2004.3

Hello, I have downloaded gentoo 2004. 3 a couple of days ago, and installed it 3 times after eachother because it didn't workt like I wanted :x. Now it's the fourth time, I used the handbook of gentoo 2004.

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I have downloaded gentoo 2004.3 a couple of days ago, and installed it 3 times after eachother because it didn't workt like I wanted :x. Now it's the fourth time, I used the handbook of gentoo 2004.3 from, the installation worked till I had to merge KDE, that worked but then I wanted to start kde, and there I was stuck. I used the genkernel settings, because I'm new with linux and it looked the easiest but not the fastest way for me. can anyone help me out from here??
Don't mind my English, I'm from Dutch

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Responses to this topic


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If it's not importat to you to have the 2.6 kernel, the easiest way I've found to install Gentoo is with Anaconda Gentoo. It's just as easy as installing Redhat or Fedora, finding hardware and everything, only you're left with a bare Gentoo installation with which to merge into what you want.
Of course there's always Slackware which in my opinion, is far less complicated, but provides most of the advantages of a Gentoo installation.


3857 Posts
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Check out "exec startkde". Just make sure that you are logged on as yourself (and not root) when you create the .xinitrc file.
Once you have it started, and you are ready to commit it to all users, check out the later steps in that doc. This is the important one:
# nano -w /etc/rc.conf
(Edit the following two variables)


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thank you,
I'm still busy with installing, I have set kernel 2.4 in the begining but that doesn't matter so much I hope
I was just in time to watch at the forum again because I'm now at the /etc/rc.conf settings
grtzz DM


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I have installed gentoo hapily ever after and now I'm in the graphical version of kde but i can't get onto the internet!! ;(
can someone help me out
kind regards DM


3857 Posts
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Well, can you give us more information (what errors are you getting, what's you connection, etc.)? Also, have you checked out the Gentoo forums? They get a ton of traffic, and you might find several people with the same problem you have.


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When the boot sequence is working I get
* Some local file systems could not mount [!!]
and when the boot sequence is done I get
* Bringing eth0 up via DHCP... [!!]
*ERROR: Problem starting needed services.
* "netmount" was not started.
and those are the warnings he gave


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The warning about local filesystems not mounting probably has to do with your /etc/fstab not accuratly reflecting how your hard drive is partitioned. If you could post /etc/fstab, and your hard drive layout we may be able to help find the problem.
For the internet problem what type of network card are you using, and which specific kernel version are you using? One important file for you network config is /etc/conf.d/net. Could you post the contents of that file also? Once I can look at those I should have some more ideas.


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I've got an sis900 ethernet card, the livecd start it correctly and I installed everything in the same way as in the Handbook is wroted at
/dev/hda1 ext2 default,noatime 1 2
/dev/hda2 swap sw 0 0
/dev/hda3 ext3 noauto,noatime 0 1

this is what I know how I set it because I can't get in anymore because my partitions are formatted again... ;(
and i had kernel 2.4 installed
Should I install kernel 2.6??
I will try that this time


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I'm installing gentoo now with kernel-2.6.9-gentoo-r1 and in the makeconfig I found the sis900 and enabled it.
My /etc/fstab is now:

/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 noauto,noatime 1 2
/dev/hda2 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/hda3 / ext3 noatime 0 1
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,user 0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom1 /mnt/cdrom1 iso9660 noauto,user 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,user 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec 0 0
i've got 1 dvd writer and 1 dvd reader, and a floppy drive
in /etc/conf.d/net I set up:
are those the correct settings???
grt DM
[Edited by DyingMuppet on 2005-02-04 07:23:36]


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The Installation is done and internet works
Thanks for the help everyone
all the settings i did to install it right are listed in the post above...
Grtz DyingMuppet


175 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-25
Grats, i will admit the install on gentoo the first time is a bit daunting, but i have found it worth it...and i've now installed gentoo maybe 6 or so times on different machines, and i barely even use the install hand book..i have it odwn to a fine art and can get it installed rather quick. Hope you enjoy it.
A suggestion:
While I love gentoo, i for some reason have never liked their kernels. You might look sometime into and do your own kernel. You can emerge something called developmentsources which will allow portage to know you have your own kernel and it will make a copy of the kernel source to work from.