Need to know if those graphic cards works well on Ubuntu

Hi, can you give me a hand and tell me if those are well supported by Ubuntu ? NVIDIA GeForce GT440 1 GB GeForce GTS 450 - 1024 Mo HIS H667PS1G iSilence 4 - Radeon HD6670 - 1024 Mo Thank you

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Joined 2012-04-19
Hi, can you give me a hand and tell me if those are well supported by Ubuntu ?
NVIDIA GeForce GT440 1 GB
GeForce GTS 450 - 1024 Mo
HIS H667PS1G iSilence 4 - Radeon HD6670 - 1024 Mo
Thank you

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
You do not mention which version of Ubuntu that you are looking to use.
But, the most recent version of Ubuntu (11.10) should work fine with the video cards.
The second question is what are you looking to do with the system? You may have to install drivers to get true full 3D.