Noobie Books/web sites for Suse Linux 8.1

Hi guys, Anyone know any good books/documentation and or web sites to start with? I have Suse Linux 8. 1 Thanks in advance!!.

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4 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-17
Hi guys,
Anyone know any good books/documentation and or web sites to start with?
I have Suse Linux 8.1
Thanks in advance!!

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213 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-02
Try here:
or here:
I don't know the titles of any SuSE-specific print books, but the first URL is for SuSE itself, and the documentation should be there somewhere. The second URL is for the Linux documentation project and most of what you find there should be applicable to SuSE. For applications that are included in SuSE, you should look at the websites for the apps themselves. 8)