Please Help!

I just bought an MSI Neo V motherboard yesterday to replace my spoilt one and fixed it in just now. When i plugged in the power cable and switched on my com, the com powers up for bout 1 second before powering down again almost immediately.

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I just bought an MSI Neo V motherboard yesterday to replace my spoilt one and fixed it in just now. When i plugged in the power cable and switched on my com, the com powers up for bout 1 second before powering down again almost immediately. I've refixed all my hardware on the motherboard but the problem still persists. Is this a fixing issue or is the motherboard spoilt? Pls help!

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Any beeps coming from the system at all? This can help troubleshoot a lot of issues.
What rating power supply do you have? How many watts?
When placing the cpu, did you secure the locking arm of the cpu slot in the down position and locked?
A seldom known issue is that on some boards, the bios jumper is shipped in the reset position, not the default. Consult the manual and make sure the bios jumper is set in the correct position.
Some systems have a bios that will shut down the system is the proper fan speed is not detected on boot. Do you have a properly rated cpu fan & heatsink for the board?
Make sure that the board is not shorting to the case anywhere. How did you mount the board, via metal mount points or plastic ones?
Make sure that the memory is securely seated in the slots. Sometimes memory is not fully seated. try reseating the memory in the slots. You can also try seating in only one stick, if you have more than one, making sure the memory is in slot #1 - again, consult the menual.
Also make sure that the power cable from the power supply to the motherboard is fully snapped in place. Do you have the secondary P4 cable from the power supply inserted into the motherboard, as well?
Try booting the system with just the bare essentials. Add one piece of hardware at a time if the system boots with just the cpu, memory, floppy and hard drive in the system (of course a keyboard, as well).


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No beeps at all. Absoulutely nothing. It justs powers up and powers down a second later. My processor is compatible with the motherboard and im using the Intel stock fan so that should be fine too.
I mounted the board on metal mount points. I also tried removing all my hardware cept for the processor and fan but the problem still persisted.


237 Posts
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Joined 2004-10-14
If you have not done so yet, I would clear the CMOS by moving the jumper on the board, as described in the manual and make sure you have the CMOS jumper in the correct position. I would also remove the motherboard from the case...make sure you have it on a proper surface, such as the anti-static bag it was shipped in..with absolute minimal hardware installed and try to power it up. Just to be sure nothing is shorting out on your mounting setup.


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Origionally posted by iamroot:
I just bought an MSI Neo V motherboard yesterday to replace my spoilt one and fixed it in just now.
Are you certain it was your board that was bad? Here at my work, such problems occur from time to time as my job is basically testing and troubleshooting of massive numbers of computers each day. The most common cause for this problem is the powersupply.
The one that occurs second most is the processor itself. Either of those can cause power failures. If it were the powersupply though it probabily would have been preceeded by some awkward random reboots and such.
Also to consider. Some machines are completely picky about ram. We don't deal much with DDR here, but at least with SDRAM, PC133 SDRAM doesn't necessarily work in one motherboard even though it works in several others. I'm not entirely sure why, but I suspect it has to do with voltage for the ram itself. Be sure the voltage your motherboard is set to for the ram matches what your ram uses.


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Origionally posted by iamroot:
I just bought an MSI Neo V motherboard yesterday to replace my spoilt one and fixed it in just now.
Are you certain it was your board that was bad? Here at my work, such problems occur from time to time as my job is basically testing and troubleshooting of massive numbers of computers each day. The most common cause for this problem is the powersupply.
The one that occurs second most is the processor itself. Either of those can cause power failures. If it were the powersupply though it probabily would have been preceeded by some awkward random reboots and such.
Also to consider. Some machines are completely picky about ram. We don't deal much with DDR here, but at least with SDRAM, PC133 SDRAM doesn't necessarily work in one motherboard even though it works in several others. I'm not entirely sure why, but I suspect it has to do with voltage for the ram itself. Be sure the voltage your motherboard is set to for the ram matches what your ram uses.


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I'm pretty sure it was my board cos previously, whenever i plugged in RAM into the 3rd slot, the whole com would be extremely unstable and crash every other minute. I also got a lot of other problems which i feel the most likely cause is the board. I dont think its my processor cos just earlier in the day, when i was still using my old board, the processor seemed fine. All my RAM is DDR 266 so there shouldnt be much of a problem there as well.


2895 Posts
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I agree with OldSpice AP, if the power supply is underpowered, this could be the issue. How many watts is it rated for and what brand?
In the old board, and now, are you using the same brand and type of DDR memory? Some boards are known to funk out when all three slots are used for ram. A bios upgrade usually fixes this, if the board manufacturer posts this as a fix. If you look on their faq page, they may also recognize this as an issue. Make sure that you follow the motherboard's suggestions on ram and size, as well as what order to place the ram in the system, if you have differing mb sizes of ram.
Did you try just one stick of ram at a time?
At this point, you have not posted what specific hardware that you are using. This may help.
Brand and speed of ram sticks.
Processor type and speed
Power supply brand and rating.
Be specific.
Do you have a case speaker hooked up so you can hear any beeps that might occur?


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My PSU is rated for 480W.
I've even tried removing all my RAM sticks and every other hardware except for the processor and the power supply but the problem is still there.
Im using
1 Kingston 256 MB DDR-266 RAM and 1 Kingston 512 MB DDR-266 RAM
Intel 2.40B Ghz 533Mhz FSB
Geforce FX 5500 256 MB graphic card
Maxtor 80 GB 7200 rpm HDD
I dont't know my PSU brand. Some cheap made-in china brand but i know its 480W.
My case has a built in speaker but how can I hear sounds when my PC starts-up and shuts-down within 2 seconds?


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
OK, if you removed all of the memory and it did not post far enough to get any beeps...time to get the menual out and check the fax page of the motherboard.
Did you check the bios set jumper to make sure that it is set to the proper pins?
Check the motherboard manual and faq to see if the motherboard has a feature to check the cpu fan speed at boot (assuming the fan is running at boot) and auto shuts down if the fan speed is not sensed correctly. Make sure the fan starts on boot attempt.
Assure that the power supply has all the proper cables attached to the motherboard that should be there. Again, is there a P4 cable, as well as the main cable? Does the motherboard have such a feature and require it?
Make sure that there is no short from the motherboard to the case. Look carefully around. You may want to place some insulating washers UNDER the motherboard, where the metal mount posts meet the board, to make sure there is not a short there. Ditto on top under the screws.
Are all the case connections (reset, power on etc...) correctly placed and oriented?
Did you use a static wrist guard to install the motherboard?


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Joined 2004-04-06
I've just got my board changed for a new one and everything works just fine=) Nevertheless, thanks for all the help guys!


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Just found this site and am really impressed with the advice
being quickly and expertly provided for n00bs (like me).
Awesome! Thanks guys.