Putting Kde 3.4 on a externeal hardrive

How do i do it

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Joined 2005-01-28
How do i do it

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Can you be a little more specific? Do you just want to store the packages for KDE 3.4 on the drive, or install KDE 3.4 on a distro already installed on the drive?
What distro and version are you using?


120 Posts
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Joined 2004-03-23
(2nd attempt: Somehow pressed return and the form was gone; so if this post appears twice, I apologize in advance).
howdy cheetahman,
you can install KDE to wahtever directory you want. This also includes folders on external drives. Prerequisite is of course that you have a fixed mount point for the KDE dir on the external drive. I suggest a preocedure as follows ...
1) Install KDE to fixed hard disk
KDE will likely go into "/opt/kde" or somewhere underneath "/usr" (distro dependant) and see if everything is running smoothly.
2) Leave X and go to console (also make yourself "root") and copy the complete KDE folder to your external drive
(e.g. "mv /opt/kde /mnt/myexternaldrive_kde_dir")
3) Create a sym-link to the folder on your external drive
("ln -s /mnt/myexternaldrive_kde_dir /opt/kde")
This way the link redirects everything to the external harddrive and KDE still thinks it has set up camp in "/opt/kde"
You can also skip the symbolic link. In this case you would have to adjust the evironment vars "KDEDIR" and "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" to tell KDE where its home is.
hope this helps


120 Posts
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Joined 2004-03-23
Just checked the KDE site and they have a nice explanation of things (except the question "How many stars are in the sky?" here ...
Chapters 4.9 and 4.13 repsectively address your issue.