Removing FC5

Hi. . i want to ask that I have installed FC5 as slave disk in a partition and GRUB is in MBR which is on XP master. Now i m going to delete away FC5 totally , including the GRUB in XP. How i m going to do that?.

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Joined 2006-07-28
Hi.. i want to ask that
I have installed FC5 as slave disk in a partition and GRUB is in MBR which is on XP master.
Now i m going to delete away FC5 totally , including the GRUB in XP.
How i m going to do that?

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
The best way to recover your MBR for Windows, is to use the recovery console on the Windows XP installation disk.
Do you have a full installation CD for Windows XP, or was Windows XP pre-installed on your system and you do not have a full install CD fore Windows XP?
If you have a full installation CD for windows, use the recovery console.
1. Boot from the Windows XP startup disk.
2. When the text-based part of Setup begins, follow the prompts; choose the repair or recover option by pressing R.
3. When prompted, type the Administrator password.
4. Once you are at the recovery console, execute;
then when that is done;
5. To exit the Recovery Console and restart the computer, type exit.
Your MBR for booting windows XP should be recovered.
You can delete the Linux partitions on the second drive, by usng a third party utility, like PartitionMagic, or the Windows Disk Management utility.