Sound Card Problem in Red Hat Lnux Kernel 2.6.xx !!! Specail thanks to Dapper Da

First of all , special thanks for Dapper Dan for his assisatance. Next,i have another problem. I have AMD 2400+ Processor,Asus mother board with on board Audio Card. When i see the list of my hardwares ,linux detected by KUDZU.

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Joined 2004-07-03
First of all , special thanks for Dapper Dan for his assisatance.
Next,i have another problem. I have AMD 2400+ Processor,Asus mother board with on board Audio Card. When i see the list of my hardwares ,linux detected by " KUDZU "... it shows " i810_audio " found on the system. But, when i Click on " Test Sound " in "Sound Card Detection " utility. I receive a message the this kind of sound card is not supported by Linux. So, in short there is no my machine
So, i need assistance , any body tell me what should i do to get my sound card working. This problem occurs when i work in Kernel . But when i work in Kernel the same sound card works absolutely fine. Let me tell you people that i have three kind of Kernel installed in my machine. The problem takes place only in Kernel Which is one of the latest Kernel,i guess.
Hope for quick assistance. i will be highly grateful to the helpers.
Regards :

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
That is what you get for switching to the 2.6 kernel!
What version of RedHat is this...and do you know what sound system that you have active with the 2.4 kernel, OSS or Alsa?
What motherboard model is it? Is it an nForce chipset?