So,you want to try linux

This is for noobees. If your computing experience is mostly switch on,click and go, this may help especially if you don't know how to find IRQs I/O ranges driver types,etc. If you want to try linux but don't know where to start, I've tried a few distros in the last couple weeks.

Everything Linux 1798 This topic was started by ,


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This is for noobees. If your computing experience
is mostly switch on,click and go, this may help especially
if you don't know how to find IRQs I/O ranges driver types,etc.
If you want to try linux but don't know where to start,
I've tried a few distros in the last couple weeks.
Here is a list to consider.
1. If you ask which distro is best and 20 users answer,you
may end up with a list of 20 distros.
2. What is best for an experienced user will probably
be a total knightmare for a newbee with no programing
3. Look for demos and/or distros that install easily.
4. Be sure you have 128m ram.
Distros I've tried;
MEPIS ; Installs easily but seems to have a problem with
printers on my hp.
Ark ; Installs itself with no problems on all 4 of my machines.
I only had to select my printers from a list.
DEBIAN and REDHAT ; Lock up all hammers and all items harder than
a pillow and give the key to someone who's
leaving town.
LORMALinux : It may be me but the installer seems to be a little flaky.
IcePack ; Not bad if you want to keep a windoz looking OS.
My 2 cent suggestion is ask for distros that are easy to install,
get familiar with linux then try other distros to find what is
best for you.I would suggest MEPIS or ARK.

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