uninstalling nvidia video driver.

hello, I am running fedora core 5 and installed the nvidia video driver from rpm. livna. org Now I want to remove it and go back to the driver that came with the fedora cd installation. How do i uninstall it? I am new to linux so please explain the process in detail.

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I am running fedora core 5 and installed the nvidia video driver from rpm.livna.org Now I want to remove it and go back to the driver that came with the fedora cd installation. How do i uninstall it? I am new to linux so please explain the process in detail.
How do I edit the configuration file of the nvidia driver so as to have a display of 1024*768 @ 85 Hz. Currently the driver has set the display at 1024*768 @ 70Hz, when i go to system -> preferences -> Screen Resolution to change the refresh rate the list just shows 70 Hz.
Please help!!

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Good question. Can you supply the method that you used, or a link to instructions that you followed to install the NVIDIA drivers? I assume this was an rpm install? If so, your xorg file is probably altered to adapt to the drivers and you would need to do two things. Uninstall the rpm file(s) and revert back to the old xorg file. Before you do this...
What settings are available to you now if you go System-->Administration--> display?


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Joined 2006-03-21
Thank you Danleff for replying
Firstly I updated the packages I had installed through PUP (including the kernel). Then I visited rpm.livna.org and installed the the livna-release-5 rpm package to enable access to their repository. I installed whatever software I required from there through yum. Rebooted the system into the new kernel.
I opened the terminal and used the following command to install the nvidia driver "yum install kmod-nvidia" Everything went well and the driver was installed.
Upon restarting the system I saw that the refresh rate had been reduced from 85Hz to 70Hz. When I went to the screen resolution preferences to change it the only value I saw in the drop down list was 70Hz when the resolution was set to 1024*768. If I reduced the resolution to 800*600 or 640*480 I could choose 85Hz.
What configuration file will I have to edit in order to set the display to 1024*768 @ 85Hz? If editing a configuration file is not possible the I would like to know the process to uninstall the driver and switch back to the default nvidia driver in FC5 as it was running fine on my machine.
If I go to System-->Administration-->Display I see the following tabs:
1. SETTINGS: Where the resolution is set to 1024*768 and the color depth is set to millions of colors.
2.HARDWARE: Where my LG 700E monitor has been detected and my Nvidia 6000 pci-express card has also been detected. When I hit the configure button under the video card I can see that the video driver that is being used is the one I had downloaded from livna.org.
3. DUAL HEAD: It is disabled.
Please help me!


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I wonder....
Here are the specs. for the monitor settings;
Max Resolution : 1280 x 1024 / 66 Hz
Recomend Resolution : 1024 x 768 / 85 Hz
H-Scanning Frequency : 30 - 71 kHz
V-Scanning Frequency : 50 - 160 Hz
Pixel Frequency : 110 MHz
Sync Compability : Separate
Video Input : RGB Analog
What exact make and model of NVIDIA video card do you have?


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Joined 2006-03-21
The exact make and model of my video card is as follows
XFX Geforce 6600 256 MB DDR PCI-E Ver 4.0 (PV-T43P-UAF7 I believe this is the model number.)


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I just installed the same drivers on my system. Mine are also frozen at 1024x768 @ 75, which was the default in the normal FC5 installation.
I also noticed that there is a new GUI setting for the NVIDIA drivers, called nvidia-settings. If you run the command as root user, it gives some basic settings, but not what we are looking for.
Did you see this article on the subject? Again, it does not mention what we are looking for, but has useful information otherwise.


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Joined 2006-03-21
Thank you Danleff for replying
I had run the nvidia display settings but like you said it did not help as far as the screen resolution is concerned.
" Did you see this article on the subject? Again, it does not mention what we are looking for, but has useful information otherwise.

Read the article, good for noobs like me, but it still does not help.
Please tell me how to uninstall the nvidia driver I downloaded?
Thank you.