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I need some help with my power supply. Here's my computer. I now have 768 MB's of ram and a Nvidia 64Mb Video card. I'm getting me a new video card that requires a 300 watt power supply. I have a hideously weak 200 watt.
I need some help with my power supply. Here's my computer.
I now have 768 MB's of ram and a Nvidia 64Mb Video card. I'm getting me a new video card that requires a 300 watt power supply. I have a hideously weak 200 watt. Thank you compaq.
What kind of power supply would my computer take? ATX? ESP? Pray tell.
Need to be sure before I buy a power supply.
Thank you
I now have 768 MB's of ram and a Nvidia 64Mb Video card. I'm getting me a new video card that requires a 300 watt power supply. I have a hideously weak 200 watt. Thank you compaq.
What kind of power supply would my computer take? ATX? ESP? Pray tell.
Need to be sure before I buy a power supply.
Thank you
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Oh forget it. I now know that if my system has anything except a 200 watt powersupply, everything fries. Looks like someone's selling a computer. I'm thinking $485. That would give me enough to get a new processor..(athlon 64, babay!) motherboard..(asus) case...(antec)... And meh burfdays comin up. And Christmas. Then I could get the security cameras! Yay. In conclusion, ..