Why does linux suck?

Now let me pull out some of my linux distro CDs. . . alright. I have freeBSD, mandrake 10. 0, mandrake 10. 1, Damn small linux (DSL), mandrake move, peanut linux, and. . . gentoo. Now, I have succesfully installed only 2 linux ditros in my whole life.

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Now let me pull out some of my linux distro CDs... alright. I have freeBSD, mandrake 10.0, mandrake 10.1, Damn small linux (DSL), mandrake move, peanut linux, and ... gentoo. Now, I have succesfully installed only 2 linux ditros in my whole life. thats mandrake 10.0 and redhat 7.2. Now I know im not the fastest learner ever but I spent ALL of yesterday and last night till 2:00 AM trying to get gentoo installed. (maybe if u could pick up from where you thought you messed up then it would be easyer) and it took me damn near 3 months to get redhat installed. Ok ok so the install is hard, big deal? but nooooooo once I get Redhat all my hopes of linux are ruined. the so called "better then windows by being stabler (HAHA) and faster (another HAHA)" alright. So I spent 3 months to do that, (or one long day and night) thats ok Now I get to do the fun stuff, LEARN THE SYNTAX! yeah! I start to learn the syntax and on my way I discover that there is such thing as "BlackBox WindowManager" SWEET! clear windows how cool! so I download the file and use all my now known linux commands to try to install it. Guess what? I find out that redhat is fussy with blackbox. so I read and read and read findout how to get myself started then untar it and find out there is a depedancy.ok lets go get that. opps another depedancy, so i go get that and guess what? ANOTHER DEPENDANCY! haha, so now that my dreams of geting all these files that need this user and this access and this dependancy and this distro are ruined. I tryed other files, of course! I never give up. to this day of me working on linux for about.. total of 5-6 months i have installed 2 outs of 8 distros and 1 out of .. ALOT of files. Cool im new I get it so i fire up this bzflag game and its slow as (something). OK FINE let me just jog down to my locale linux store. OOHHHH i live in helena montana! I forgot there isnt one! alright let me go to the library. guess what? linux books from redhat ver .00000000000000000002.4.2..!
Now to conclude my adventure with linux, its hard to learn, hard to install, not that mcuh faster then windows, imposible to get new software on it, and the games out there are null...
BUT fear not because today is another adventure! (I never give up)
P.S. gentoos instuction to install gentoo are AWESOME. Its the only guide/tutorial out there I've seen not totaly made for linux guru's.

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Joined 2004-10-15
hmm well i guess different distros work better with diff comps. not suprising but mandrake was incredibly slow on both my laptop (whih was only th setup) and my desktop! i am having quite a bit of trouble geting it to work though.


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Well, as I say, I'm quite a newbie to Linux. My experience seems to be, based on what I've tried and read about others....you just have to find a distro that runs with your hardware. Mandrake 10 runs very fast on this desktop system. I have no complaints.
Motherboard MSI KT6V
Processor AMD XP3000+
512M PC2700 RAM
60G WD Cavair 7200 RPM Hard Drive
NVIDIA FX5200 Video Card 128M RAM
I'll probably add another 512M of RAM, which I intended to do with Windows XP Pro on the system. I did run into some problems with an older munti-function X63 Lexmark printer, so just traded with my wife's computer and a HP multi-function printer. My Sony PDA works fine and synchronizes perfectly, as well. I can't connect my Magellan GPS for updates, at least I haven't found a way, yet. Fortunately, my wife refuses to learn Linux, so I have Windows XP on her system...and two hard drives...one with Linux and one with Windows on my workbench computer.....so not a problem when I do need Windows for a particular task. In time, I'm sure I'll find more Linux software to meet my needs.


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Thanks to everybody for their input on my question.
Special note to zenarcher: GET RID OF THE WESTERN DIGITAL HARD DRIVE BEFORE IT DIES ON YOU! Saw one of only two and a half years moderate use slowly start to die. It didn't want to initialize (you could hear the head arm clack clacking) and mostly when it was 'cold'. Luckily I was able to get it initialized (and didn't dare shut down) hooked up to my system to Norton Ghost it over to another hard drive (a Seagate, will use 'em 'til they start makin' garbage or I'm dead).
One more question, then I will shut up, I promise. I tried Mandrakemove last night and it found all the important hardware and set it up no prob'. The graphics were clean and crisp (KDE 3.somethin'), tried the OpenOffice (1.1) and it looked beautiful compared to the Redhat/gnome disaster which will lead to another question, sorry. Actually three, so sue me!
1) I have a Microslop optical mouse (worked with Mandrakemove but was real slow). Can you adjust the cursor speed in a full HDD install of Mandrake 10.0?
2) I use the Arial Black font for ALL of my business stationary (I have two very small businesses and a laser printer/brother HL-1435). Does anybody know if you can 'import' that font OR find it somewhere for OpenOffice?
3) Does a full install of Mandrake have PPPoe support?
4) ReFoRMaT has performed an illegal operation and hopes he won't be shut down (heh heh) with yet another question. Is there a Linux out there that can do all three of the above?
5) This question is just for fun. How many blue screens have you had over the years from M$ CRAP? Mine number, literally, in the thousands (and always at the most inoppertune time).


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I am newbie to linux to and I tried several version of Linux over the past several years. They all installed fairly easily except for LinSpire for some reason after it would boot up after install and I would nothing but a screen full of 10101010.
I have tried Lorma Linux, Yoper, Lycoris, Mandrake, and several others I cant think of at the moment.
Mandrake has always installed easily and detected all of my hardware where most the of the linux distros wouldnt detect my network card, but it ran slow on my machine cuz I was using a 450 at the time. I bought Suse Pro edition and got frustrated when it would kill my DSL connection after 3 seconds, but it installed easily too and both Mandrake and Suse can have partition resizers if you are already using Windows and boot managers for dual boots.
I just didnt have the patience at the time to learn Linux, so I gave after maybe using them for a day.
The best Linux for newbies in my opinion is Xandros 2.0 which I am using right now. I bought a new hard drive to install linux on it so I decided to install the Xandros Open Circulation edition and I have been using it straight for a week. I have been using nothing but Xandros for the past few days. I cant tell you how impressed I am with this version of Linux. The installion couldnt be easier just four 4 clicks and boom. Only problem here was when it booted up I got the same screenfull of 10101010 like I did with Linspire, but fortunately I had created a Xandros boot disk and when I booted up with it, it went right to the desktop and I have been using it eversince. Even though its free it still has a lot of software on it. The Opera browser and you can download Mozilla, and you can also use Konqueror, but u gotta find the bin file first cuz it isnt in the menu for some reason. It also had the Xine media player and multiplatform chat program, a CD burner, etc.
I had a problem with a wireless USB network device, so I installed my network card and used my DSL connections and I was able to surf the net.
The Xandros Network is a great way of installing software u just click on the program u want and Xandros takes care of the rest. Its best if you use the software from the Xandros Network, but being the curious person that I am I downloaded programs from other websites .tar, .deb source files, etc and sometimes I can get them to work and sometimes I cant, but I am learning about linux, so it all balances out.
Xandros after all is debian based, but user friendly. If you are newbie try the Open circulation edition, its free so why not?
I may never go back to Windows now.


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I can't answer most of the questions posed by ReFoRMat, but will say that I've had a pile of BSOD experiences over the many years I've dealt with M$. And, I enjoy not seeing them with Linux.
As for the WD hard drive...this has been the first one that worked. I think many HD companies are having problems. I built this system for myself, a few months ago. Here is what happened. Within 2 months, two brand new Maxtor hard drives failed and were sent back for warranty replacement. Then, tried a WD hard drive...failed after one week. This is the replacement for it..and has been working fine for about 3 months. But then, I never power down my systems. In my very near future plans, I'm going to pull this hard drive and install two SATA drives in RAID configuration. Hope this one lasts until then!


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Do I feel lucky ?? After installing Mandrake 10.0 on my sony laptop pcg k13 perfectly the first time and having a better machine than when I was running windows xp,I mean this install was painless, I did have some help from a guy in selecting the disto and he suggested Mandrake.
The hard drive on my laptop died or was being seen after starting the laptop, after talking with Best Buy and getting the run around that it would cost 30.00 just to send it back to sony
and I REALLY DIDNT WANT TO MESS AROUND WITH SONY REPAIR because I had a nightmare of a time getting a dat deck (PCM-M1) repaired huge runaround and bad reports about getting the deck back after repair to only find out it wasnt ever fixed , anyways I digress here. I bought a replacement HD installed it and did a fresh install mdrk 10.0 almost evrything but memory stick reader and my cd player playing cds worked right out of the box so to speak.
Im a total Linux newb in fact I never even messed with DOS and I was lame at best at understanding windows, Im a big fan of jam band music Grateful Dead, Panic, moe. you get the idea . I also record live music and I will use this lap top to hopefully do 24bit/96khz recordings from bars and smaller venues using Audacity to start with and if I ever want to do multi tracking I'll use Ardour.
If anyone here has these interests get in touch
Thanks for your time


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Ahhhh, fah-ged-it. I downloaded and burned SuSE 9.1 personal (yes, I know, not much software and neutered in a few ways). I also downloaded and burned Mandrake 10.0 which is also slightly 'license challenged'. Now Fedora II is a different animal, now being raised in the wild by the same wolves that are scratching at the M$ door to eat Billy. Should be interesting cuz my first experience with RedHat 9 wasn't so great. Now if I can just find that spare HDD, I know it is around here somewhere. Don't wanna muck up winbloze just yet. Should be an interesting weekend, trying three new OS's (new to me anyway). One thing I can guarantee, I will be choosing PERSONAL DESKTOP this time, no matter what flavour of Linux. I am determined to find a good 'fit' and get off the winbloze 'hamster wheel'.


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Who wants to hear somethin' really stupid. I thought nobody was answering me until I saw the 'next page>>>'. *punches self in head* (these forum graphics are so cheesy huh? just kidding mod). Re: hard drives, go read this, I know it is slightly dated but still pretty valid: http://www.driveservice.com/bestwrst.htm
Had a friend with a Maxtorrible blow up on him. You would think some peeps have valuable stuff on their hd's (nuttin but shear crap on mine), they would make 'em a little better. I am gunna go look at Xandros one more time before my burner cools off (heh heh).


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One more thing (I don't shutup huh?). What is the most popular/best file system for ALL Linux, or at least for the most widely used? Also, I will be doing a 'quick' low level FoRMaT between inshtallz to avoid any disagreements between da flavours.


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Hey, somethingotherthanwindows, I can help you with using Gentoo, and all of those other distros you mentioned
Let me know if you are still interested!


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I am interested in some mandrake 9.1 assistance. I just turned to linux and i just put it on my computer. Installation was interesting since i had a grasp, i knew i had to create the swap space and then the rest of it assign it to the installation itself. Giving size to both of them. Really cool. Now i have to install the flash player, but i have no idea how to unzip and run the install on linux. Still interested in helping out? Giving a hand to new users? I can tell you that so far i love it. Although now i cant check out my yahoo mail cause the buttons and links appear all messed up and around the screen. Strange huh?