Wireless Networking with DWL-650 rev. P and FC4

I'm trying to get my D-Link DWL-650 rev. P 802. 11b card working with Fedora Core 4. I extracted the wlan files to /usr/linux-wlan-ng-0. 2. 0. I went into shell and went through the configure process.

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Joined 2006-02-04
I'm trying to get my D-Link DWL-650 rev. P 802.11b card working with Fedora Core 4. I extracted the "wlan" files to /usr/linux-wlan-ng-0.2.0. I went into shell and went through the configure process. However, I got stuck here:
Linux Source Directory [/usr/src/linux]:
I tried the default, but that failed. What should I enter here?

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
First, I assume that you checked the chipset on your card to make sure that it will work with this driver. Do you know the chipset that is on the card?
Do you have the kernel sources installed? If you don't know, then you probably don't. Fedora does not come with the kernel sources installed by default.
Look and see if you have a symlink on your instalation. Navigate to /usr/src...is there a linux symlink there called "linux" to the kernel sources?


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Joined 2006-02-04
No, there are no Linux files/folders in the src folder.


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Joined 2006-02-15
I am also trying to install the same driver for a prism3 usb wlan device, but am running into problems...
Linux source directory [/lib/modules/2.6.15-1.1831_FC4smp/build]:
Linux source tree /lib/modules/2.6.15-1.1831_FC4smp/build is incomplete or missing!
...I can browse to this directory and see that build is present, so I can only guess that it is incomplete!?! How do I correct this (please give very simple & complete directions-- my experience with linux is counted in hours!)
By the way, I did try to download and install a new kernel (I think), but also got errors...
[root@localhost foo]# rpm -Uvh kernel-2.6.15-1.1831_FC4.src.rpm
warning: kernel-2.6.15-1.1831_FC4.src.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2
error: cannot create %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
You also need the kernel source package to match your running kernel.
See if this link helps.
You want to get the kernel-devel package to match your kernel. Do not try to download just the plain kernel package, or a new one. Stick with what you have, in terms of the currently running kernel. If you don't, this will just comlpicate things.
You can see what kernel version that you have by typing in a console, as root user;
uname -r
Also, make sure that your particular card is supported, by looking at the wlan hardware database page.