xserver won't

Ok, I've come to grips w/ the GRUB config,,, I put XP back up on C: and allowed GRUB to load to the MBR (for my Debian on the slave) thus, if I blow (umm, when) my debian install, fdisk /MBR will give me a working XP.

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Ok, I've come to grips w/ the GRUB config,,, I put XP back up on C: and allowed GRUB to load to the MBR (for my Debian on the slave) thus, if I blow (umm, when) my debian install, fdisk /MBR will give me a working XP...
So, now my problem is xserver fails,,, I believe because I was unable to tell it which video (onboard nvidia or pci ATI card) to use. I have since listed the bus location w/ 'lspci' and found the ATI to be at 0000:00:14.0 My question is, how to get back to a config setup proggie that will invite me to enter this location.
I have seen the invitation during the install,,, if I can't figure this out (w/ help, perhaps), I'll partition and load again <sigh>

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