Everything Linux
I am very new to Linux and I decided it's time I try to make the big switch, so I started off with something easy like Knoppix in a virtual machine so I can preserve my current machine and not screw it up.
Need some basic newbie help.
Hi all, I just installed Mandrake 10. 0 on my laptop today and I have it dual booting with XP. I am a complete Linux noob and I would like a little bit of help. I really want to learn Linux on my own at my own pace, so I won't need too much help from the masses, but there are two problems that I currently need help ...
get a WM (ex: Fluxbox) working/running with Mandrake
Hi, I am new to Mandrake and I want to know how I can make it working with another WM. I want to use fluxbox. But, I don't know what I have to set up. I have the fluxbox compiled. Thanks.
Computer EXTREMELY slow, but shouldn't be. HELP!
Sorry about the duplicate untitled post, I'm not sure where my mind was. Hey all, I'm having some annoying problems with my work machine. Specs: NEC Powermate 2000 PIII 600 128 MB Ram 18 GB HD The machine is an all in one machine with a flat panel monitor built into it.
DVD Boot Mandrake 10.0 live dvd?
Is this possible? To put all three ISO images on to one DVD? And if so, can you show me? I'm new within the past 24 hours and I'm just learning about live discs and beleive I saw something about burning a bootable DVD with mandrake but there are three ISO's and I'm trying to use Nero6.
I've Made The Switch, What Now?
Hello all, I've finally done it. I've abandoned XP, at last. I've installed Fedora Core 3 and it's all up and running nicely. I'm just wondering what to do now. Things like, which dir should i install programs to and where should i store documents, things like that.
how to delete a hidden folder?
How ca I delete a hidden folder? For example, my WINE directory in /home/iamroot/. wine How can i delete the whole folder?.
Please help with Suse 8.2 Pro mounting a second hard drive module
Jay in PA
Hi! I have a Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop P3, 512 MB Memory. Primary Hard Drive Triple Boot:win 98, Win XP, Suse 8. 2 Pro I also have a second hard drive module (40 GB formatted in FAT 32 and filled with data) that slides in one of the battery slots.
New to linux looking for suggestions!
I'm new to linux as the title says. I'm looking for suggestions,sites,good sites for programs (preferably free stuff lol to get me started) just about anything. i do alot of gaming got a radeon 9800 xt (not sure if there are custom drivers and stuff for graphics cards like omega drivers) and i'm runnin suse 9.
Untitled thread
Hey all, I'm having some annoying problems with my work machine. Specs: NEC Powermate 2000 PIII 600 128 MB Ram 18 GB HD The machine is an all in one machine with a flat panel monitor built into it.
Via VT8237 RAID With Mandrake or SUSE
I'd like to set up a pair of Maxtor 80G SATA hard drives in a RAID 0 array on my MSIKT6V motherboard. For RAID, the motherboard uses the VIA VT8237. My processor is an AMD XP3000+ and I'm using 512M of RAM.
Trouble with x windows
I have installed Debian Sarge on my new Sony VGN-FS550 and I am having some trouble getting xwindows to install. I have all the packages I need for the X system and gdm installed. When I try and run gdm or startx the output says no screens found along with much more (which I can provide if necessary).
installing libgtksuperwin.so for gnophone
I intend to install and try out gnophone but one of the dependencies are libgtksuperwin. so so i downloaded the mozilla 1. 2 rpm and used the rpmcpio command and extracted the file but now i have no idea at all where to place it in.
I have fedora /red hat Linux system /windows xp usb adsl The speed touch 330 modem will work on xp but I can’t get it to work on Linux IV tried to download the software under xp but will not install in Linux hop some one can help thank you
Internet set up problem on Mandrake 10.1
Hello I am new to linux and have installed a copy of Mandrake 10. 1 communuty edition and I have been having problems setting up my internet connection I am using an alcatel Speed Touch ADSL and am with Wanadoo broadband when I go through the connection setup It detects my modem but when I run the test it says it i ...
debian gui
how do you start the graphical interface for debian? when i start debian it is in console mode. .
wanadoo bradband
hi im new to linux iv got fedora/red hat linux but i cant seem to get my bradband two work on it it cant find my modem but is on the list and i fill the in the pkkk but still wont work i traid the cd that came with the modem but wont have that two am i stupid or is thear a nak some noe can tell me to get this to wo ...
Unable to install all of linux distribution!
Hello, I try to install any linux distribution on my IBM IntelliStation M Pro, but it seems not to work at all. It always stop at point where it's loading the scsi controller driver or during loading drivers.
video problem w/ mandrake 10.1
Hey guys, i got past the last problem, but i cant edit it to let everyone know, anyways, i got everything installed fine, when i login and run startx i get a few errors, i will try to copy/paste them or they may be hand typed so dont mind characters if they dont look right.
help with install of mandrake 10.1
Hey guys/gals, I just downloaded the dvd version of mandrake 10. 1 and i have burned it 2 ways to be safe, one i just burned the iso, and the other i used ultraiso to extract contents and burned all of that.