Everything Linux
hi, first off please dont flame me im noob. (heh) im a 25 year old college student who is working alot with computers (micro pc tech) so I decided to venture ahead. I have been interested in Linux for sometime now and used to be part of a technology group that urged me to just rid windooze all together and run just ...
Ugh, boot problems.. SATA and IDE?
Hi all, I've been through the dual-boot scenario a zillion times, but never with a primary SATA and SuSE on the primary IDE. I originally want to get to the point of triple booting my machine (Linux, Windoze, OSX) - but first things first.
Installed Fedora Core5 , pc only starts to windows - now what
Hi there, Im new to linux, Ive just installed Fedora Core5 on to my XP pc. The pc has 2 drives, drive 1 (120gb) = nfts drive 2 (220gb) = 100gb nfts, 120 unallocated So chose to install Fedora on drive 2, in the unpartitioned half of the 2nd drive.
Windows XP & FC5 boot problem for a newbie
Hi, I had Windows XP installed on my first HD and FC5 on my 2nd HD. Everything was ok until last week when i kept getting GRUB just before the option to select windows or linux. It would not let me do anything! I changed the boot info ( typed 'e' at option and edited the HD1 to HD0 and now it will boot to linux but ...
installing yahoo in fedora
hey there. . . i am very new to linux and just installed fedora core 5. . how can i install yahoo messenger in fedora. . . thanx.
Booting to windows from Grub just takes me back to the main grub screen
Hello again danleff, Well, now I was able to install Grub onto my MBR. What worked for me was doing in linux rescue mode: chroot mnt/sysimage/ /sbin/grub-install recheck /dev/hda And that was I was able to avoid errors that I have read other having.
Kanotix + Partions = Hard problem
Hello, I am trying to install kanotix x-2004 on a 20 GB hard drive. Windows has a 19gb partition. I can not resize it. I am using Qtparted. i have try many times to create a new partition but i got no where.
Installing LAMP on Fedora Core 4
Anybody can advise me on how to get a successful Mysql,PHP and apache webserver up and running on my Fedora Core 4? By default, FC4 does not run mysql, and although I have installed the respective packages, I still cannot get mysql to run with php.
booting with fedora disk 1
hey there. . . . i want to install fedora on my laptop. . i downloaded the five iso files from fedora website. . . burned each file on the cds but my pc doesnt boot with the fedora disk 1. . . i changed the boot sequence and the first boot device is my cd rom but when i reboot my pc with the fedora disk inside the ...
How to change, alter, or completely remove Grub Boot Loader from Windows XP?
I've got 3 drives: all 20gb capacity 1st HD - WinXP (no partitions) 2nd HD - NTFS formatted; just for backup 3rd HD - Suse Linux 9. 1 Personal I installed the I installed Suse Linuz 9. 1 mainly with default settings.
Need help dual booting XP/FC 4
I grabbed FC4 off of bittorrent but I realized I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to dual booting OS's. My computer is a Gateway with a 75 GB HD, 1 gig of RAM. I have a cable internet connection.
Grub error 17 when dual booting Fedora 5...
I am hoping that someone can help me with my problem. I read some of the other questions along these lines, but none solved my problem. I have XP Home on HDA and I had Ubuntu Breezy on HDB2. There was no problem with Ubuntu, but I decided to try out Fedora.
Unable To Scan With HP Officejet 6200 And SUSE 10.0
I just purchased an HP Officejet 6210 multi-function printer. The unit will print, scan, copy and fax. It is a USB connected device and I'm using SUSE 10. 0. I connected the new printer and installed it through YAST.
mandriva 2006 ex linux user no boot
I'm having singular lack of success with Linux, tried Mandrake 9 and quite liked it apart from a couple of bugs since them looked at Ubuntu and Knoppix and although quite nice didn't like them enoughand thought I'd have a look at Mandriva, could produce a bootable version from the iso's I downloaded and picked up a ...
Ugh, frustrated to death. Another FC 5 + WIN XP and grub
Okay, here's the deal. I want to keep Windows XP Pro on my C drive and put Fedora on my F drive and leave it there to explore. During installation of Fedora, it seems as if Grub wasn't properly installed.
Dual boot doesn't work
OK. . . What a pain in the neck this is. Don't kill me, but this is my first FC installation. I have a Compac (P4) system with XP loaded on the master boot disk. I installed FC5 on the slave disk. . .
Trying to install Fedora Core 5 on a Tyan Tiger 200T mo/bo
Hi everyone, I hope that someone (or several of you) will be able to shed some light on this issue. I'm trying to install Fedora Core 5 (FC5) as a webserver/office machine on a system based on a Tyan Tiger 200T motherboard.
Setting Up Damn Small Linux On USB Pen Drive
Okay, I'm experimenting around a bit. Maybe over my head! I've read the forum on the DSL website and I'm as lost as before I read it! Knowing the patience of members on this forum, I thought maybe I'd see if anyone here has had some experience with DSL and USB pen drives.
Fedora Core 5 boot problem: 'GRUB_' ?
I have first time installed the FC 5 from 5 cd sets downloaded from web and as per installation instructions from redhat site on my home PC which has XP on hda and new installed FC 5 on hdb, installation went through error free.
how to install XP after deleting LINUX?
hi!! i had XP and fedora Core linux 3 installed in my system. i wanted 2 delete linux for more disk space in windows(i had allocated a 10GB drive for linux),and also wanted 2 install xp freshly. actually i donno how 2 remove linux,so i went into administrative tools/computer management/storage/disk management,and d ...