Linux Customization Tweaking
OK, a little while ago I got hold of an old Micron P200. Actually looks like mostly ISA stuff, inside, though there is an integrated IDE controller and PCI video. I plugged it into my KVM, booted up and waited to see what happened.
Truetype fonts in XFree86 4.2.0
I am sure everyone can agree that the standard fonts of XFree are rather crappy. There are many howtos on making them look better, or using other fonts. Here you will find yet another howto, cookbook or whatever you want to call it.
Cannot seem to get Java working in my path
I have been having problems trying to get Java working in my path. If I cd to the Java directory and then run java <file> it will then start, but will complain about not having the proper class files for the application.
Xandros and Fonts
Since I just got Xandros (very nice setup, by the way), I thought I would pass this along to other current and future Xandros users. It turns out that there is a fairly simple way to get new fonts to work in it.
CVSGnome 2.0 and KDE 3.x build scripts
Here are some automated build scripts I found for the CVS versions of the 2 desktops: