Linux Customization Tweaking
I apologize if this is a repost I've been away for sometime. I thought this was a real cool article and I plan on hooking this up on my laptop to store sensitive data. .
Access Denied
How do I stop getting Access Denied messages when I try to change anything? I have been attempting to change my wallpaper by pasting a jpeg file into /usr/share/wallpapers/. I keep getting Access Denied, can not write to directory.
KDE Shortcut Icons
How can I re-name shortcut icons in KDE? I'm using Mandrake 10. 1. If I click on re-name, then type in a different name, it seems to work ok. But next time I boot up, the name reverts to default. This is a problem because when I set up a shortcut, the default name is usually too long & takes up too much space on th ...
Copying a driver file on two floppies
I need to copy a Win 98 driver file for a Belkin NIC card on two floppies for my boss, who has a Windows 98 system. Of course, the file comes in at just over 1. 5 mb, so it needs to go on two floppies.
Untitled thread
Hi. I am using Mandrake 10. 1. I can not seem to change the screen resolution. I went to the control panel and reconfigured for a res of 640X800, with refresh rate of 60. Unfortunately, there's a little program called Screen Size and Rotate that starts automatically with KDE.
HELP!!! Cant boot to any OS,
Hey all, i'm a newbie to linux, but i have to know how to use it for TAFE. I'm running Win XP and Trying to Run Red Hat Linux 7. 2 I have got it working b4, but i couldn't boot to XP, until i removed Red Hat.
Boot To RedHat Linux 7.2 and XP???
I am trying to run RedHat on an 8GB Primary Slave, and WinXP on a 40GB Primary Master, with 3 Partitions, C:=10gb NTFS(For Windows), D:=20gb NTFS(For Games and other Programs) and E:= about 8GB NTFS(For Storage of Music).
Help on Network and Modem configuration on Red Hat 7.2
3 things i would like to know, i wish to install a few things in Red Hat 7. 2, 1: How do i install a modem and set up a connection to my ISP? 2: How do i set up a network, mainly for file and printer sharing? Unfortunately i don't know anything about my network card, only that it does run at 100Mbps, because i pick ...
modem config file for Mandrake
hello all, I am trying to install a Linux compatible PCI modem under Mandrake 10. 0. I need to edit the modversions. h file and then make and install it. Does anyone know what package the modem header file exists? I installed the kernal package but I didn't see the modversions.
What should I do now? (FC2)
Hello everyone, I've been out of the Unix/Linux world for many years, but I'm back. . . I have Fedora Core 2 loaded (complete install), loaded the drivers for my winmodem, loaded Thunderbird and installed all of the 250+ updates yum found (standard pre-programmed Fedora yum addresses), what's next? I know its a loa ...
HELP!! Debian VPN Died! >>??
Hello all. i have two pc's setup for a VPN connection. i. e 2 sites both using local adsl connections. PC A = 10. 0. 0. 1/24 eth0 172. 16. 0. 1 tun0 PC B = 10. 0. 1. 1/24 eth0 172. 16. 0. 2 tun0 now , after executing shutdown -h now on the PC A.
Partitioning for fedora core 3 and 2
Hi all I was wondering if any one could point me in the right direction. Basically i have installed fedora core 3 on my laptop and completly love it but i want to install fedora core 2 on the same machine (due to compatibilty with certain apps), in a dual boot manner.
Updating Bios
Dapper Dan
Hi everyone, I've found a Bios update at the Intel site which is a perfect match for my Dimension 4550, and I'm tempted to update it in hopes that it also provides boot-to-usb capability. The operation looks pretty straight forward.
Screen Resolution AND Wont Shutdown
Hi again everyone, Well ive solved some of my early problems THANKS TO ALL OF YOU. Now however got another couple. #1. How do you change screen resolution? Ive tried all the normal things i think. Been reading about and /etc/file.
NEWBIE! How to create a destination folder??
I feel this is embarassing but im really tired of Windows BS! I installed Mandrake 10. 0 No problems. Now i want to upgrade mozilla to firefox 1. 0 Downloaded and couldnt install it. Saw a post earlier about creating destination folder and entering this command.
Import addressbook from Evolution to Thunderbird
Dapper Dan
Since I can't get Evolution working in Slackware, I decided to give Thunderbird another go. The main problem I've had with any mail program is importing my addressbook from Evolution. Thanks to Todd Warner and our friends at Mepis, gets the job done!.
Shell Scripting Exercise: count physical RAM in MB
Guys, I'm writing a series of scripts for deploying in our support center. One that I'm working on involves /proc/kcore, the physical RAM of a linux system. I'm trying to display the amount of physical RAM in a system by returning the size of this file divided by 1024.
modem troubles
Hey there, I'm looking for some help on installing a modem on Fedora. For some reason it won't auto detect it and when I run kudzu to try and find it my mouse goes nuts and I have to restart. Attempting to add the device using the network settings results in no modem found.
How do I auto activate my modem in Redhat ?
I have just installed Redhat 9, the OS see the modem OK, but if I want to go on the Internet, I have to go into the network setup area as administrator and manually set the modem to active. How can I set it up to activate when I start up my browser ? Thanks Andy.
Another newb trying Fedora
I tried to install Fedora Core 2 Server on one of my computers that also runs W2K3 Server. I installed the Fedora to the 3rd partition on the secondary hard drive, bieng that the primary hard drive is dedicated to the 2K3 OS on the primary partition and backups for my other systems on the second partition.