Date: 2024-12-28 03:46 | Last update:

Linux Games

A discussion forum for gaming under Linux, including running Windows games on Linux

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Serious Sam:FE Beta 2 available via Loki_Update

Well at at long last, we can again play Serious Sam:First Encounter, on Linux. Beta 2 is now available via the Loki_Update tool, or you can download it from this URL; My dedicated server is back up and running now.
0 3477
avatar Last reply by REL!c2K on


Quote from Transgaming: In addition to features provided by WineX 2. 2, TransGamers using it or any previous version of WineX should how be able to play Valve Software's popular Half-Life and CounterStrike games on-line.
3 3090
avatar Last reply by REL!c2K on

Serious Sam Beta for Linux !!

Icculus. org has release the beta of Serious Sam for Native Linux. You require the Windows CD (Full Store bought). I have it installed now and running in Mandrake 9. Works like a charm, but because it is a Beta, there is not patching ability, and you can't play online on Windows servers.
4 6016
avatar Last reply by REL!c2K on

Neverwinter nights

Hi, i have read that NWN works under linux thanks to wine, but when i run it, have got the sound, but no caracter (no fonts) How must i do ??? thanks
0 4650
avatar Last reply by zemp on

SOFII - Linux - IS THERE ?

Adam of Eternity
8) ok prolly a dumb question. . . BUT ive not long been a linux user and now thanks to alot of help in here im a 85% Mandrake9 - 15%Wondows User Im a gamer ! 3d 1st person shooter. I have The Windaz versions of Quake3 and RTCW runing like a dream under mandrake BUT im after MORE.
4 3445
avatar Last reply by REL!c2K on

Starcraft Help

I'm like totally new to Redhat Linux. (8. 0) Yes, I know. I'm an idiot. . . but how in the world do I install this game on Redhat?.
6 5146
avatar Last reply by punkisdead on

Anyone running a dedicated UT2K3 server under Debian??

Just wanting to know if anyone here has ran the downloadable UT2K3 server on a Debian machine yet. Clutch has managed to convince me that Debian is the shiznit, which so far I agree with him. But rather than using the machine as a workstation, I need to put it to good use.
1 3023
avatar Last reply by REL!c2K on

UT2003 Installation Tip

I was having problems with Unreal Tournament 2003 not allowing me to switch CDs when installing it from the CD set. So, here's a tip that I found from digging all over the place; don't install from your mountpoint since the executing process will tie up your device and you'll get a device is busy response when you ...
8 5042
avatar Last reply by REL!c2K on

Can't play UT online

I've just installed UT (not 2003) on my RedHat 8. 0. The game works fine in singleplayer, but I can't get online! WHILE I'm typing the serveraddress (while typing, so I can't even TRY to connect) or WHILE downloading a list of servers the game freezes and I have to reset my computer.
4 3443
avatar Last reply by Akuji on

Dungeon Keeper 1?

Has anyone had any luck with this game? It's one of my favorites and it'd break me heart if I couldn't play it after making the switch to Linux. I'm talking about the original one, not DK2. I've had really good luck with most games; Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo II, Quake III, UT, but there are still a few that have ...
2 4456
avatar Last reply by TymbrWlf on

Bug in RH8, or Unreal Tournament 2003?

I was installing RH8 on my main system, and when I got to installing UT2003 I ran into something unusual. The system would scan *every* drive and try to mount all of them while copying files during the installation process.
0 3276
avatar Last reply by clutch on

So, how do I get the UT2003 Demo to run?

First, I thought I had the right nVidia drivers for my GF2 Pro loaded during installation, but now I don't know. And I don't know if I have 3D acceleration enabled. Now, I installed the demo and all I get is the splash screen, no game.
8 5071
avatar Last reply by DosFreak on

first game relevant post.......

Woo hoo, Thanks to Transgaming, I am now a 95% Linux user. If only I had a printer that would work in linux. What is every body's view on WineX and the future of linux gaming????.
0 3147
avatar Last reply by punkisdead on

First Post

Had to get a first post in here somewhere!!! I currently have Red Hat 7. 3 installed on a test box of mine and hope to dig deep into it soon. I want to learn! Nice to see Linux Compatible. I'll be here often.
4 4010
avatar Last reply by Atreyu on