Linux Software
I'm just starting to use Linux(SUSE 10). I'm trying to find the FireFox directory. When I do a search in File Manager-Super User Mode, it comes up with a couple results: home/username/. mozilla/firefox root/.
Has anyone perhaps got nmap working on Cygwin?
Has anyone got nmap working on Cygwin? Its a touchy subject I know but Im on a net wide hunt to see if it has been done. Very important to me. Can somone tell me of a URL to instructions/help on the matter.
Heartbeat HA Fedora 4
Hi! Me and my friends are currently working on Two Node Fault Tolerant Web and Database Server System. We are using Fedora Core 4 as our OS. Unfortunately, as we're starting to configure the heartbeat of both servers, we encountered a lot of problems on it.
Help installing GAIM...
I'm a noob to the Linux world, so I apologize for the basic question. . . I loaded Fedora 4, bareboned. No additional packages were installed during installation. I figured this would force me to learn a lot about how to set up a Linux system from scratch.
dual boot
I have installed two linux OSes, Mandriva LE and SuSe10 pro, and cannot boot to either. I did not make any alterations to the default install. I first installed Mandriva and when installing SuSe, without any but the default configurations,the first partition was recognised.
giFT not connecting to FastTrack, Ares
I installed giFT, gift-devel, and the following network plugins: OpenFT, Gnutella, FastTrack, Ares. I am using Apollon as a front-end. When I start Apollon, Gnutella and OpenFT connect, but FastTrack and Ares never connect.
Teaching Linux in Elementary and High School!
im from the dagupan city, philippines, and i've been teaching Linux since 2000, maybe we must all encourage school officials to dump microsoft and install linux after all, microsoft will lose no matter what they'll lower their price.
Boot Loader
Suppose i have two OS, say i have Win XP and Redhat, if for some reasons i have 2 format my XP partition and reinstall XP again, i wont be able to boot redhat since i will have a new bootloader. How can i get the GRUB boot loader without having to reinstall redhat or without installing any kernel packages.
Mandrake 10.1 run too slow
Hello everybody, my first post here. History: First and last time I dealth with linux, 1995. A friend helped me install a version of linux onto my 486 box. I remember it was and ordeal to install it and once we had it up and running I did not know what to do with it.
Install error on HP Pavilion
Hi all, I am trying to install FC4 on a HP Pavilion desktop. I have 256mb ram, 2. 8ghz celeron and a 80gb hard drive. Every time I select install once the main screen shows up from the cd the computer reboots.
? latest version for 32 bit duron
Hi, I'm a complete newbie to linux, and was wondering what the newest release for a AMD Duron would be. 1. 1 ghz, 256mb ram, 40 gig HD, SIS sound/lan/video. Any help is very appreciated!!!.
Mandriva install probs
I recently got mandriva and began to install it and it just stops. Before it even installs anything. I went and tryed installing it in the text version and it stops at copying file Intel SATA something driver.
ProMepis not seeing router!
Hi all, I just installed a router on my 2 machines. No problems with machine number 1, it works like a champ! Machine number 2 is being a little quirky however. I have ProMepis on this box, and it won't make an internet connection.
Help with dual boot
I have two identical Maxtor SATA HDs. I run Libranet 3. 0 one one of them and XP on the other one. Both OSs run perfectly well but I have not been able to set my system up to dual boot and have to keep switching drives physically.
Exchange Delegation not appear on Evolution 2.4 with Suse 9.3
I just install Evolution 2. 4 on my Suse 9. 3 Pro, with Exchange-Connector. But I don't see Exchange-Delegate option under Edit-Preference. Any clue? It also happen on previous version of Evolution 2.
Linux compatible Intranet package
Need some info on intanet software packages that could be run on suse enterprise server. Manage a netware network, approx 1600 users across 3 sites. Primary user database is therefore NDS/e-directory.
Problem w/ Totem Media Player
For some reasons, totme cant play my mp3 files or my cd. . . . the following message is displayed Application totem (process 2781) has crashed due to a fatal error. (Segmentation fault) I'm on Mandrake 9.
IRC Clients
Hello all. . I am running Mandrake 10. 1 and I went and installed Bitchx through the package manager but when I go through the menu in KDE I don't see it. Can someone help me out on how to get it started? I'm still a newbie and don't know that much.
Lets get My Scanner Working
I have a HP 1315 psc, I have tried to get it going using Kooka, in FC4. So far. . . . . nothing, and I'm puzzled as to how to get it going! The printer works great! FC4 detected the printer, and had a driver for it.
Hard Drive Image Creation
Am faced with a computer that has no floppy and only one optical drive (DVD burner) so I can't use my usual method of creating a hard drive image with a boot disk/floppy. What I would really like is something that works like Norton Ghost only it needs to run on SuSE 9.