Steven Barrett has released a new Liquorix kernel derived from Linux kernel 6.13.5. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux.
Debian GNU/Linux has been updated with multiple security enhancements, which include updates for ruby2.1, apache2, gst-plugins-good1.0, a security update and regression fix for freerdp2, as well as a security update for emacs:
Steven Barrett has released a new Liquorix kernel derived from Linux kernel 6.12.17. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux.
Debian GNU/Linux has been updated with two security updates: [DSA 5870-1] openh264 for Debian 12 (Bookworm) and [DLA 4069-1] emacs for Debian 11 (Bookworm) LTS
Updated LibXML2 packages are now available for Debian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye) LTS, aimed at resolving several vulnerabilities that may result in denial of service or other unintended behaviors:
Debian GNU/Linux has been updated with several security enhancements, including updates for postgresql-13 regression, bind9, libtasn1-6, python-werkzeug, and gnutls28:
Steven Barrett has released a new Liquorix kernel derived from Linux kernel 6.12.16. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux.
Steven Barrett has released a new Liquorix kernel derived from Linux kernel 6.12.15. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux.
Steven Barrett has released a new Liquorix kernel derived from Linux kernel 6.12.14. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux.