Gentoo 2504 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200403-01

~ Severity: Normal
~ Title: Libxml2 URI Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
~ Date: March 06, 2004
~ Bugs: #42735
~ ID: 200403-01


A buffer overflow has been discovered in libxml2 versions prior to 2.6.6 which may be exploited by an attacker allowing the execution of arbitrary code.

Gentoo 2504 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200403-02

~ Severity: High
~ Title: Linux kernel do_mremap local privilege escalation
~ vulnerability
~ Date: March 06, 2004
~ Bugs: #42024
~ ID: 200403-02


A critical security vulnerability has been found in recent Linux kernels by Paul Starzetz of iSEC Security Research which allows for local privilege escalations.