GARNOME 2.13.1 has been released
GDM2 has been reeleased
GNOME 2.13.1 has been released
LDTP 0.2.1 has been released
Evolution 2.5.1 and EDS 1.5.1 are available for download:
Amidst lots of rains, floods and hot coffee comes the first release
of Evolution in the 2.5.x cycle. You can download the following :
Upgrade Notes :
Evolution 2.5 is the unstable series of 2.6 development.
Amidst lots of rains, floods and hot coffee comes the first release
of Evolution in the 2.5.x cycle. You can download the following :
Upgrade Notes :
Evolution 2.5 is the unstable series of 2.6 development.
GStreamer FFMpeg 0.8.7 has been released
Eye of GNOME 2.13.1 has been released
Metacity 2.13.0 has been released
Zenity 2.13.1 has been released
dogtail 0.4.3 has been released
control-center 2.13.1 has been released
Epiphany 1.9.1 has been released
gnome-games 2.13.1 are now available
Gnome OSD 0.9.0 has been released
NetworkManager 0.5.1 has been released
Gnome-utils 2.13.1 has been released
Twenty-sixth release of PythonCAD, a CAD package for open-source software users, is now available
ooo-build-2.0.0 has been released:
NetworkManager 0.5.0 has been released
Rhythbox 0.9.1 has been released:
On behalf of the Rhythmbox developers, I'm proud to announce the second release of the Rhythmbox 0.9 development series, which includes a large number of fixes, improvements and new features.
* What is Rhythmbox ?
Rhythmbox is an integrated music management application, originally inspired by Apple's iTunes. It is free software, designed to work well under the GNOME Desktop, and based on the powerful GStreamer media framework.
On behalf of the Rhythmbox developers, I'm proud to announce the second release of the Rhythmbox 0.9 development series, which includes a large number of fixes, improvements and new features.
* What is Rhythmbox ?
Rhythmbox is an integrated music management application, originally inspired by Apple's iTunes. It is free software, designed to work well under the GNOME Desktop, and based on the powerful GStreamer media framework.
October 16, 2005 - Release 0.18 of Open Clip Art Library (, containing over 6900 SVG files created by over 500 artists, is now available for download and use.
For the month of September, the Open Clip Art Library sought imagery related to pets including images of different breeds appropriate for use by animal shelters.
For the upcoming 0.19 release, due November 1, 2005, the theme is Halloween.
This is any artist's chance to submit to the Open Clip Art Library images of ghosts and goblins, bats, witches, and pumpkins. The community would also welcome printable templates for creating holiday decorations usable in Inkscape, OpenOffice?, Scribus, and, or other graphics applications.
For the month of September, the Open Clip Art Library sought imagery related to pets including images of different breeds appropriate for use by animal shelters.
For the upcoming 0.19 release, due November 1, 2005, the theme is Halloween.
This is any artist's chance to submit to the Open Clip Art Library images of ghosts and goblins, bats, witches, and pumpkins. The community would also welcome printable templates for creating holiday decorations usable in Inkscape, OpenOffice?, Scribus, and, or other graphics applications.
Dropline GNOME 2.12.1 has been released
Gcalctool is the default GNOME desktop calculator.
It has Basic, Advanced, Financial and Scientific modes. Internally it uses multiple precision arithmetic to produce results to a high degree of accuracy.
This release is an early one for the GNOME 2.13/2.14 release train. It's being provided to get early feedback on a couple of new features.
It has Basic, Advanced, Financial and Scientific modes. Internally it uses multiple precision arithmetic to produce results to a high degree of accuracy.
This release is an early one for the GNOME 2.13/2.14 release train. It's being provided to get early feedback on a couple of new features.
libgda/libgnomedb 1.9.100 are now available
gnubiff 2.1.6 has been released
A new unstable release of Guikachu is available.
Version 2.8.2 of the Python bindings for GTK is now available
Hardware Monitor applet 1.3 has been released
Glade 2.12.1 has been released
Monster Masher 1.8 has been released
The public release of Dogtail has been released
GARNOME 2.12.1 has been released
Gnome 2.12.1 has been released:
PyGTK 2.8.1 has been released
cairo release 1.0.2 is now available
Eye of GNOME 2.12.1 has been released
Zenity 2.12.1 has been released
gnome-utils 2.12.1 is out.
Pango-1.10.1 is now available for download
GDM2 has been released
GTK+ 2.8.5 is now available for download
The Evolution Teamhas released Evolution 2.4.1:
Upgrade Notes :
Evolution 2.4.1 is a maintenance release in the stable series of 2.4 development.
Upgrade Notes :
Evolution 2.4.1 is a maintenance release in the stable series of 2.4 development.
GShow TV 0.6.2 has been released
Metacity 2.12.1 has been released
GLib 2.8.3 is now available for download
Pango-1.10.1 is now available for download
gedit 2.12.1 has been released.
gnome-games 2.12.1 has been released
Epiphany 1.8.2 has been released
Alexandria 0.6.1 has just been released.