GNOME 3620 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

ooo-build-oob680.1.0 has been released:

This package contains Desktop integration work for, several back-ported features & speedups, and a much simplified build wrapper, making an OO.o build / install possible for the common man. It is a staging ground for up-streaming patches to stock OO.o.

GNOME 3620 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

GARNOME 2.13.91 (aka 2.14.0 Beta 2) has been released:

We are pleased to announce the release of GARNOME 2.13.91 Desktop and Developer Platform. This release includes all of GNOME 2.13.91 (aka 2.14.0 Beta 2) plus a whole bunch of updates that were released after the GNOME freeze date.

GNOME 3620 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

GNOME 2.14 Beta 2 (2.13.91) has been released:

We are pleased to announce the delicious release of tasty GNOME 2.14.0 Beta 2 (2.13.91). This is one of the last delicate releases in the delectable 2.13 development series and represents a toothsome release that is now API/ABI, feature, string and UI frozen. This means that we're pretty close to the succulent final 2.14.0 release. The delightful GNOME contributors are now busy fixing the most important nectareous bugs that are still out there, localizing the whole pleasant-tasting desktop or updating our scrumptious documentation.

You can still make a peachy difference and contribute to the shiniest GNOME release ever! Do you see all the stunning 2.13.91 tarballs? Go download them. Go compile them. Go test them. And go hack on them, document them, translate them, fix them.

GNOME 3620 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Yelp 2.13.5, "The Cat's out of the Bag", is now available from an FTP
mirror near you.