Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

KDE 3.4.2 Kubuntu packages are now available

Here the apt sources:

deb hoary-updates main
deb hoary-updates main
deb hoary-updates main
deb hoary-updates main

A live CD is available based on Kubuntu Hoary with all current updates, KDE 3.4.2 and KOffice 1.4.1:
kubuntu-5.04.5-i386-live.iso (675MB)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

GARNOME 2.11.90 has been released:

This release incorporates all of the GNOME 2.11.90 (aka. Beta 1) Desktop and Developer Platform, including glib/gtk+ 2.7.x and cairo.

This release has also had a little more polish to ensure that the build system builds and links against things in your GARNOME directory, and not your system one, hopefully cutting down on errors relating to pesky '.la files' that some distributions insist on shipping in their -devel packages.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

KDE 3.4.2 has been released:

July 28, 2005 (The INTERNET). The KDE Project today announced the immediate availability of KDE 3.4.2, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful free desktop for GNU/Linux and other

UNIXes. KDE 3.4.2 ships with a basic desktop and fifteen other packages (PIM, administration, network, edutainment, utilities, multimedia, games, artwork, web development and more). KDE's award-winning tools and applications are available in 51 languages including a new Afrikaans
language pack.

KDE, including all its libraries and its applications, is available for free under Open Source licenses. KDE can be obtained in source and numerous binary formats from and can also be obtained on CD-ROM or with any of the major GNU/Linux - UNIX systems shipping today.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The GNOME 2.12 Beta 1 Development Release is now available for download:

Also known as 2.11.90, GNOME 2.12 Beta 1 is the first pre-release intended for wide public scrutiny before the final release in September.

tar.gz: 21M total
tar.bz2: 14M total

tar.gz: 171M total
tar.bz2: 122M total

tar.gz: 51M total
tar.bz2: 36M total

For extra excitement this time, you'll need cairo from cvs, or the snapshot available here:

This is less than ideal, but at least it allows us to test GNOME tarballs that require it. Cairo 0.6.0 is expected very soon.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

GARNOME 2.11.5 has been released

This release incorporates all of the GNOME 2.11.5 Desktop and Developer Platform, including glib/gtk+ 2.7.x and cairo, as well as the latest versions of the Mono platform to keep even the most keen bug hunter on their toes.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

An announcement from Axel Thimm:

ATrpms is officially launching Fedora Core 4 support for i386 and x86_64.

Most packages were offered during FC4t2 and FC4t3 releases, but the rebuild for FC4 final had some delays due to some larger restructuring:

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

In why I Like Lynx, Paul Dunne explains why he remains true to the old text-mode dinosaur.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Damn Small Linux 1.3 has been released:

DSL is a very versatile 50MB mini desktop oriented Linux distribution.

Damn Small is small enough and smart enough to do the following things:
- Boot from a business card CD as a live linux distribution (LiveCD)
- Boot from a USB pen drive
- Boot from within a host operating system (that's right, it can run *inside* Windows)
- Run very nicely from an IDE Compact Flash drive via a method we call "frugal install"
- Transform into a Debian OS with a traditional hard drive install
- Run light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram
- Run fully in RAM with as little as 128MB (you will be amazed at how fast your computer can be!)
- Modularly grow -- DSL is highly extendable without the need to customize

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

A new weekly snapshot build of GARNOME has been released:

Following the 2.10.2 release earlier in the week, 20050714.1730 is out the door for your testing pleasure.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Ubuntu Foundation has been launched. Here the press release:

08 July 2005

Mark Shuttleworth and Canonical Ltd, founders of the popular Ubuntu Linux-based operating system, have today announced the creation of The Ubuntu Foundation with an initial funding commitment of US$10m.

The Ubuntu Foundation will employ core Ubuntu community members to ensure that Ubuntu ( will remain fully supported for an extended period of time, and continue to produce new releases of the distribution. As a first step, the Foundation announces that Ubuntu version 6.04, due for release in April 2006, will be supported for three years on the desktop and five years on the server.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

GNOME Desktop and Developer Platform 2.10.2 has been released:

The second point release off the stable 2.10.x branch of GNOME is now officially released. This release has seen continued work to eliminate memory leaks, plain bugs and in general improve and polish the stable series of GNOME. Thanks to all who contributed patches, documentation, translations and input to get issues resolved.

The software is available on your nearest FTP mirror:


Issues should be filed in bugzilla:

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Some nine weeks after the official release of SUSE LINUX 9.3, an installable DVD image of the product has been released to SUSE's download mirrors. SUSE is one of the leading Linux distributions on the market; its latest release is compiled from over 1,000 popular software packages.

SUSE LINUX 9.3 Released to Mirrors

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

CentOS-4/alpha 4.1beta has been released. Here the announcement:

I've always been kind of on/off with alpha. Remember making some kind of debian/alpha installer back -97ish. Lately (like past 2 years), i've been compiling SRPMS on alpha too from time to time.

Most of my alpha hardware was pretty much ancient crap, so i wasn't quite confident pushing anything out to public as i wasn't able to test even if EV6 would be ok. Little over week ago i got a AlphaServer ES45, which was the turning point on this all (i thank you whom gave me this box once again even tho i cannot reveal any names).

There is lot to personally thank for AlphaCore project as some of the patches i got directly from that work, would have been nasty for me to spot out. I just don't feel that building FC3 for alpha is enought and will be long term maintainable.