Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Xbox Linux Project has released Xbox Linux Mandrake 9

"A 350 MB installation CD of Xbox Linux Mandrake 9 is available for download free of charge from the Xbox Linux website. It corresponds to a standard installation of the (free) 3 CD version of the well-known Mandrake Linux distribution (, which has only been released a week ago, so it contains the graphical environments Gnome and KDE, as well as software packages such as, XMMS and Mozilla. Since Xbox Linux Mandrake 9 is 100% compatible with Mandrake Linux 9, all additional packages from the official Mandrake Linux 9 installation CDs or the Mandrake website can be installed into Xbox Mandrake Linux."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

OS News has posted another Red Hat Linux 8.0 article:

"I know what you're thinking, but don't worry. This article isn't 'Yet Another Red Hat 8.0 Review'. This article is primarily about using Red Hat 8.0 if you happen to be a newbie, but it's also about using Red Hat 8.0 if you happen to be a KDE user. Why? I happen to be a KDE user, so it makes sense I'd focus more on what I know the most about. Plus, I still remember the frustration of staring with something akin to terror at a blank command line with lots of ideas about what I'd like to do and very little knowledge of how to do it."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Lycoris has released Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 52 Beta:

Lycoris Desktop/LX is a familiar, powerful and open alternative to Windows. Put the power back into your hands with this new, affordable operating system.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Rad Hat has released Red Hat Linux 8.0:

"September 30, 2002—Red Hat, Inc. (Nasdaq:RHAT) today released Red Hat Linux 8.0, a highly versatile operating system designed for personal and small business computing. Red Hat Linux 8.0 combines leading-edge Linux technologies with a new graphical look and feel that offers users a polished, easy-to-use operating environment."

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Download CD1 (System)
Download CD2 (System)
Download CD3 (System)
Download CD4 (Sources)
Download CD5 (Sources)
Download CD6 (Docs)

The first 3 CDs are necessary for the installation

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

PCLinuxOnline has posted screenshots from the final version of Red Hat Linux 8.0:

"Here are a few screenshots of Red Hat 8.0. As you can see the KDE 3 desktop looks just like the Gnome 2 desktop.. In addition Konqueror uses the same folder style as Nautilus. Launching the KDE Control panel indicated that I was in KDE as it says on the splash screen. Xmms is included but the mp3 plugin is not part of the xmms install. You can download the mp3 plugin from The fonts in Open Office look fantastic!"

Check it out

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over DistroWatch that the second beta release of SmoothWall GPL 2.0 is now available

"It's beta time again ... SmoothWall GPL 2.0 beta2, codenamed "bullet", is now available!

Specifications include: 2.4.19 kernel (as of beta0), new user interface, ext3 filesystem, iptables, increased support for USB ADSL devices, including Thomson/Alcatel Speedtouch, U.S. Robotics SureConnect and Fujitsu/Westell (ECI chipset devices)."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

CNET News has posted an article on Red Hat Linux 8.0

"Red Hat 8, called "Psyche," is a significant departure from the current 7.3 "Valhalla" edition. As previously reported, it adds a new "personal desktop" installation option for more mainstream users. The previous installation choices were "workstation" and "server," both for more technically savvy users such as programmers or system administrators."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

It looks like that Red Hat plans to release the final version of Red Hat Linux 8.0 (psyche) on Monday.

From the Red Hat Limbo mailinglist:
"Just talked to Red Hat. The official release date, including ISOs, is Monday."

In the meantime, check out the Red Hat page at DistroWatch for a package overview

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MandrakeSoft S.A. has official released the final version of Mandrake Linux 9.0. This release is identical with the ISO images from Yesterday.

"MandrakeSoft today announced the release of Mandrake Linux 9.0 (Dolphin), a new-generation Linux operating system for servers and desktop workstations. Mandrake Linux 9.0 combines all the power & stability of Linux with many new and unique features plus the famous "Mandrake touch" which has a long tradition of excellence and leadership on the desktop.

It includes the latest versions of the premiere Free Software packages, including the newest stable releases of Linux Kernel 2.4.19, KDE 3.0.3, GNOME 2.0, OpenOffice 1.0.1, Mozilla 1.1, GCC 3.2, CUPS 1.1 -- over 2000 packages in all."

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Complete package list

Download CD 1
Download CD 2
Download CD 3

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

CNET News reports that Lindows bundle Netscape Communication's Web browsing and communication technology into its software.

"The start-up software maker collaborated with Netscape's corporate parent company AOL Time Warner to integrate Netscape 7.0 into LindowsOS version 2.0, which was released last week."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The first public beta of UnitedLinux 1.0 is now available:

"UnitedLinux is a standards-based Linux operating system targeted at the business user. It is developed, marketed and sold by an experienced partnership of Linux companies."


Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Expect the download of Red Hat Linux 8.0 very soon.

There is already a Red Hat 8.0 download directory on Red Hat's FTP server. However, it is locked right now.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Expect the final version of Mandrake Linux 9.0 very soon.

The release in Cooker (Mandrake's experimental developer distribution) is no longer marked as "Release Candidate".

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

NewsForge has posted an article on UnitedLinux

" UnitedLinux held a telephone party today to announce new general manager Paula Hunter and talk about its open beta release. Lots of curious journalists showed up. The question-askers all had a cynical air about them, and yet UnitedLinux bigwigs didn't seem surprised by the grilling. The underlying question still: what will UnitedLinux mean in the big picture that is Linux business? Our question: what about the GPL? (Also inside, an open letter to the UnitedLinux group from the FSF.)"

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MandrakeSoft S.A. has released Mandrake Linux 9.0 Release Candidate 3

From the Cooker mailing list:
"This must be nearly the 9.0 final.

9.0 should be finalized by the end of the week.

2 or 3 days for marketing to finish the official announce, and it should be released next week.

Find critical bugs if you are enjoying this testing period and want more."

Download CD 1
Download CD 2
Download CD 3

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

A new Gentoo Linux Live CD with Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo is available:

"Epic Games' much-anticipated Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo is now available on a self-booting Gentoo Linux-based LiveCD, allowing you to play the Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo using any modern PC with an NVIDIA GeForce 2 or greater graphics card and a CD-ROM drive. Full networking, OSS sound and Creative Soundblaster Live! and Audigy support included, allowing for the full gaming experience including LAN/Internet play, EAX environmental audio and of course 3D accelerated OpenGL graphics. The CD also serves as a fully-functional Gentoo Linux installation CD."


Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

CRN has posted an article on the upcoming Red Hat Linux 8.0:

"Red Hat 8.0, which is code-named Limbo, will offer a spruced-up graphical user interface based on GNOME 2.0 with themes, improved buttons, scroll bars and menus, and updated applications including enhanced versions of the Mozilla 1.1 browser, Nautilus file manager, Open Office office suite and a new Evolution e-mail client, Red Hat said. The company expects to ship the package later this month."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over Tux Reports that SuSE Linux 8.1 will be available on October 7th:

"Blending operating system and applications, SuSE's system assistant, YaST2 (Yet another Setup Tool), is the core element and administration center of this comprehensive package for first-time and experienced Linux users. With YaST2, even new Linux users can complete the installation in less than 30 minutes. The updated hardware detection automatically integrates even the latest USB2.0 devices and Firewire devices. Only a mouse click is necessary to set up printers, sound cards, and TV cards. YaST2 now provides a module for the configuration of special hardware components such as joysticks. Even output devices such as touch screens, vertical LCDs, 3D solutions, and multi-head systems can be configured easily with SaX2 (SuSE advanced X configuration). Linux professionals will appreciate the expanded YaST2 text mode."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

It seems like MandrakeSoft has postpone the release of Mandrake Linux 9.0 due bugs.

The installer from Cooker says now Release Candidate 3.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Matrox has released beta drivers for the Matrox Parhelia under XFree 4.2.0/4.2.1

Notes and known issues:
- This is a BETA driver release for Matrox Parhelia only.
- Driver enables 2D only.
- Please read release notes before installing

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

InfoWorld reports that UnitedLinux will be globally available in November at a price of less than $1,000 per server:

"SuSE Linux, Caldera International, TurboLinux, and Conectiva are the four software companies that elected in May to combine their development teams into one and distribute a common product. Their key aim is to unseat Red Hat from its leading position as a provider of Linux software."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Lycoris has released Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 50 Beta:

Lycoris Desktop/LX is a familiar, powerful and open alternative to Windows. Put the power back into your hands with this new, affordable operating system.

New in Build 50:
- X-Free 4.2.1
- Kernel update
- JRE and SDL libraries updates
and much more...

Check out DistroWatch for a package overview

Download CD 1 (Binary)
Download CD 2 (Source)
Download CD 3 (DevTools)

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation of Lycoris Desktop/LX

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Gentoo Technologies has released Gentoo Linux 1.4 release candidate

"Gentoo Linux is a versatile and fast, completely free Linux distribution for x86, PowerPC, Sparc and Sparc64 that's geared towards Linux power users. Unlike other distros, Gentoo Linux has an advanced package management system called Portage. Portage is a true ports system in the tradition of BSD ports, but is Python-based and sports a number of advanced features including dependencies, fine-grained package management, "fake" (OpenBSD-style) installs, path sandboxing, safe unmerging, system profiles, virtual packages, config file management, and more."

Download (Live CD)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MandrakeSoft S.A. has released the second release candidate of Mandrake Linux 9.0

"9.0 RC2 includes a bevy of exciting applications to play with, including:

New DrakConf
Many new & improved configuration utilities
XFree86 4.2.1
latest KDE 3 (3.0.3)
latest GNOME 2 (2.0.1)
Mozilla 1.1
Apache 1.3.26 & Apache 2.0.40
Evolution 1.0.8
Galeon 1.2.5 1.0.1
KOffice 1.2
Shorewall firewall utility
GCC 3.2
And lots more waiting to be discovered"

Download CD 1
Download CD 2
Download CD 3

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

It look like that MandrakeSoft is preparing a second release candidate of Mandrake Linux 9.0.

According to an email on the Cooker mailing list is the install from Cooker already RC2.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over PCLinuxOnline that IT-Director has posted an analysis about UnitedLinux:

"The idea was to take four bit players in the Linux distribution market and create a global player to rival Red Hat, which in some circles is talked about with the same dislike as Microsoft. All four of the players were struggling to show results. Caldera, now SCO, has experienced layoffs recently. Turbolinux, which is popular in mainland China, stated it wanted to focus on its brand of management software. SuSE and Conectiva have failed to become global players with only strong penetration in Germany and Brazil respectively."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over DistroWatch that the first beta release of SmoothWall GPL 2.0 is now available:

"Metro is the first public beta for the 2.0 series SmoothWall GPL. It is the first new release since 0.9.9 was released back in late September 2001. We imagine that the beta period will take some weeks, during which time we are also seeking translators. Please see the website for more information if you think you can help!"

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Linux and Main has posted an article about KDE and Red Hat:

"Disagreements between the developers of KDE and Red Hat are poised to burst into a full-grown feud following remarks made by Red Hat employees, changes made to KDE in the latest Red Hat beta, and what KDE developers see as the leading Linux distributor's general disrespect for the KDE development effort.

The dispute, which has simmered since Red Hat and its Advanced Development Lab promoted and worked on the GNOME desktop to the exclusion of KDE, has grown worse recently, and has been fueled by the way in which KDE is deployed in the latest Red Hat beta, codenamed "null," by an offer Red Hat made to KDE in connection with this month's LinuxWorld Conference and Expo, and by email disparaging KDE that was apparently written by a Red Hat employee and was leaked to KDE developers."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Looks like they are changing their story again: is changing its strategy. The company has abandoned its efforts to woo customers away from Windows. now focuses on making Linux applications easy to download and install, which makes absolutely no sense.

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Lycoris has released Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 49 Beta:

Lycoris Desktop/LX is a familiar, powerful and open alternative to Windows. Put the power back into your hands with this new, affordable operating system.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MandrakeSoft has released Mandrake Linux 9.0 Beta 4:

"Changes and improvements based on previous reports include:

- Drakconf: memory leak has been fixed. Additionally, Drakconf offers an improved look and feel.
- tinyfirewall is now active.
- RpmDrake: Many improvements have been made including the ability to search package descriptions and the availability of 'noclearcache' option.

New software
- OpenOffice 1.0.1 -- a full-featured office suite is available in a new shiny version."


Download CD 1
Download CD 2
Download CD 3

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

PCLinuxOnline has posted screenshots from the latest Mandrake Linux 9.0 Beta:

"Red Hat isnt the only one getting into dressing up their main menus. Mandrake's upcoming release will also be sporting new icons for their main menu. I posted some screenshots of the default KDE and Gnome look as it stands now. You can take a peek at them here. The mandrake screenshots are named mandrakexx.jpg."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

PCLinuxOnline has posted 20 screenshots from the GNOME 2 desktop of the latest Red Hat Beta release:

"Check out the redhat.jpgs featuring the default Gnome 2 desktop. Nobody does Gnome like Red Hat. The menus have been restructured and a little easier to follow. Red Hat replaced the default Gnome 2 icons with a more colorful set. There are many new configuration tools and a very nice package manager."

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Wondering how KDE look like in this release? Check out this thread at the message forum.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Warly from MandrakeSoft has posted a schedule for the Mandrake Linux 9.0 release on the Cooker mailinglist:

"Expect a beta 4 or rc 1 by the end of this week or beginning of next week, then a new rc in the beginning of september.

Final arround the 13th. All this may change a little bit."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

CNET News reports that Turbolinux has sold its Linux business to Japan's Software Research Associates:

"In the future, a revamped Turbolinux--which has yet to announce its new name--will concentrate on selling its PowerCockpit partitioning software, which lets administrators repurpose servers, or processors inside a multiprocessor server, on the fly. A rack of servers used to manage e-mail, for instance, can be transformed into Web servers to handle peak periods of Web activity."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MandrakeSoft has released a first version of their Linux Clustering distribution CLIC:

Clic is a abbreviation of Cluster Linux Calcul: Linux Clustering distribution based on Free Software;(GNU/GPL licence or equivalent) answering the needs of deployment, administration and programmation dedicated to Massive Calculation Clustering.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MandrakeSoft has released Mandrake Linux 9.0 Beta 3:

"Mandrake Linux 9.0 Beta 3 is available for download. Be among the first to discover the experimental version of the next Mandrake Linux. By downloading your copy and participating in the test cycle, you'll help us reach perfection. Join forces with the Mandrakesoft developers."