Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Six months of design, engineering, integration, and testing has culminated in the finest release from Terra Soft to date. Designed, not just assembled, Yellow Dog Linux v5.0 featuring E17 is immediately available for your Sony PlayStation 3.

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Puppy Linux version 2.12 has been released:

t's out! There are two iso files at Ibiblio, puppy-2.12-seamonkey-zdrv.iso (83.1MB) and puppy-2.12-seamonkey.iso (68.0MB). The former has the zdrv_212.sfs file in it, which is a massive collection of kernel drivers and firmware, whereas the latter has a cutdown selection of drivers on a par with previous Puppies (but the zdrv_212.sfs file can be downloaded separately and Puppy will have automatic access to all of the extra drivers).

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Announcing the release of VLOS 1.3 as stable

It has been 1 year and 2 months since the release of VLOS 1.2. Today we are proud of announcing the release of VLOS 1.3 as stable.

Changes and fixes from beta3:

- Updated to gcc-4.1.1
- Updated to glibc-2.4
- Updated XGL and compiz-quinstorm
- Updated xorg-x11
- Fixed KDE problems with compiz
- Updated to latest baselayout
- Kernel updated to latest vidalinux-sources
- Update to portage-2.1.1-r1

To download VLOS 1.3 stable go to our downloads section and select one of the listed HTTP or FTP mirrors, if someone can help us with torrents will be gratefully appreciated.

Also today I want to announce the open community development of VLOS, the full version will be free of charge and the community will be able to manage the project and development of VLOS. We are recluting volunteers, developers and enthusiasts who want to participate and help us, feel free to contact us at info at or join our IRC channel at freenode #vlos. If you wish to donate to the project you are fully welcomed to, it will help to keep VLOS alive. Anybody can still keep buying VLOS over our store.

Public subversion, developer documentation and other things are on development and soon will be available.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Puppy Linux version 2.10 is now available:

Puppy version 2.10 is released. The 'standard' live-CD iso file is named puppy-2.10-seamonkey.iso and the size is 66.6M. Release notes:

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

An iso of Puppy Linux 2.10alpha is available for download

Puppy version 2.10-alpha live-CD iso file, puppy-2.10alpha-seamonkey.iso, is available here:

The "devx" module, devx_210.sfs is also at the above URL. If you have an earlier one, please update.

This is basically what version 2.10 will be, with bug fixes and some packages upgraded. For example, I expect JWM will be upgraded from 1.7 to 1.8 for the beta release. The kernel is, same as Pup 2.02 and will remain that for the 2.10 final.