Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

SOFTWARE BUYERS MAY be doing a double take in retail stores over the coming months as they see Microsoft's familiar Windows operating system (OS) sitting next to the new OS from

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Analysis: Windows users thinking of switching to Linux--either as an alternative or as an adjunct in a dual-boot system--should turn to SuSE due to its ease of use. But more seasoned users will find the stability and stronger font control of Red Hat more to their taste.

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Lycoris has released Build 66 of Lycoris Desktop/LX beta

New in Build 66:
* added eval to AfterSysInitBeforeGUI in SysVinit-scripts
* added default cursor blink on vc's
* rllibs no longer removes /tmp/.rlupdate_cache_100
* new login top for kdm
* new pictures! from youssef ismail - organic light photography
* changed default screensaver to youssef's images
* updated windows icon image
* updated printer defs in foomatic
* added lexar cf reader unusual_dev entry
* added hpijs 1.3
* new booting/rebooting/shutdown messages
* upgraded kbd to 1.06
* upgraded samba to 2.2.7
* rlupdate no longer updates packages with pluses [+] in their name
* rlupdate automatically updates devtools and ppak, if installed
* added kdialog --licensebox, cosmetic fixes to --inputbox
* updated license to show update 3 beta

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation.

Download CD 1 (binary)
Download CD 2 (sources)
Download CD 3 (devtools)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Red Hat Inc is lining up the release of an enterprise workstation version of its Advanced Server Linux operating system. To be released in the first quarter of 2003 the workstation operating system will be aimed at technical users, but could lead to a focus on the general-purpose desktop market, according to Red Hat's vice president of engineering, Paul Cormier.

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Lycoris has released Build 65 of Lycoris Desktop/LX beta

New in Build 65:
* fixed visor.o zire loading
* added Sony Clie N760C kernel support
* added autoconf-compat to devtools
* added more mime types to ark
* removed am-utils 'in sync' syslog msg
* added ttyUSBx devices
* xine default skin now celomachrome
* updated kdm login background
* upgraded grub to 0.92, changed bootlogo
* updated kernel bootlogo
* upgraded acpid to 1.0.1
* added new intro viewlet
* removed the linked file view from the view management profile
* added -s to amd mount option
* added brief notification screen to rlinstall
* added pda icon
* fixed automounter upgrade bug
* added AfterSysInitBeforeGUI reg entry support
* new korganizer alarmd icons

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation.

Download CD 1 (binary)
Download CD 2 (sources)
Download CD 3 (devtools)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Another beta build of Lycoris Desktop/LX has been released

New in Build 64:
just a cleanup over 63. only code change was the pctel upgrade. didn't touch printing.

* fixed automounter startup
* fixed descriptive cups startup
* fixed modprobe errors on boot
* upgraded PCTel drivers to 0.9.6

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation.

Download CD 1 (binary)
Download CD 2 (sources)
Download CD 3 (devtools)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

A new beta version of Lycoris Desktop/LX has been released

New in Build 63:
* removed ghostscript-doc
* added Fontmap to ghostscript-fonts
* upgraded gimp-print to 4.2.3
* updated espgs to 7.05.5
* added automake-compat rpm [1.4]
* fixed courier only font printing issues
* made kicker clock 14 pt
* removed lucent wavelan from prism2 probe list
* fixed non-root vfat mounting issue
* fixed printing
* synced rlhwscan with jh's changes

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation.

Download CD 1 (binary)
Download CD 2 (sources)
Download CD 3 (devtools)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

A new beta version of Lycoris Desktop/LX has been released

New in Build 62:
* minor kernel printk fix
* mozilla form submit bug fix
* mozilla .rpm mime type fix
* new gimp-print, cups
* added chown/chmod for give/takeconsole
* added newer gatos ATI drivers
* upgraded autoconf to 2.54, automake to 1.5
* added gui devtools install

Only the first CD is necessary for the installation.

Download CD 1 (binary)
Download CD 2 (sources)
Download CD 3 (devtools)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over Distrowatch that a free promo edition of Turbolinux 8 Server is available for download:

"A promo edition of Turbolinux 8 Server can now be had for free, after registration. The registration page is in Japanese only, but it's a simple matter to fill in your name (middle row) and email address (bottom row) and agreeing to the license by clicking on the long button on the bottom left. The next page will give you a login name and password to access the ISO image."

Registration page
Release notes

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

ZDNet has posted a news story on SuSE's Office Desktop

"Linux distributor SuSE is hoping to get desktop users to switch to its operating system with a new edition of its software specifically designed for office workers--including software that allows it to run Microsoft Office and other Windows applications."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

InfoWorld has posted a news story on UnitedLinux

"UnitedLinux has completed beta testing of the first release of its open source Linux operating system and is ready to launch the product as planned next month, said company manager Paula Hunter Tuesday at the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in Frankfurt, Germany"

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

eWeek has posted a news story on Xandros Desktop

"The Xandros Desktop product is built on the Linux kernel 2.4.19, XFree86 4.2, Debian 3.0, Corel Linux 3.0 and an enhanced K Desktop Environment. According to the company's Web site (, the product is priced at $99"

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Lycoris has released Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 60 Beta:

Lycoris Desktop/LX is a familiar, powerful and open alternative to Windows. Put the power back into your hands with this new, affordable operating system.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Infoworld has posted a news story on Desktop Linux

"DESKTOP LINUX OPERATING system vendors made news this week as Xandros Tuesday reintroduced the Linux operating system formerly developed by Corel with a release called Xandros Desktop 1.0. Meanwhile, announced it would ship the final build of its operating system some time next month."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Sander van Geloven has released CD-ROM labels for Mandrake Linux 9.0

"Many people download ISO-9660 images and write these to CD-ROM in order to quiclky obtain the latest release of their favorite GNU/Linux distribution. This is a fast, cheap and handy alternative for waiting a few weeks, go to the shop and purchase an offical GNU/Linux release, which is usually on the shelves weeks after the images are available for download. This page provides nice CD-ROM frontcard and traycard labels, generated with the aid of LaTeX, for several releases of different GNU/Linux distributions."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Desktop Linux reports that has announced plans to release the LindowsOS 3.0 Membership Edition in the middle of November.

"The LindowsOS 3.0 Membership Edition is a two-CD collection and also includes a full-color QuickStart manual to reference during the installation and setup process. A new feature included with the LindowsOS 3.0 Membership Edition is Click-N-Run Express, which comes on the second CD. This new feature provides lightening quick installs for many of the most popular Click-N-Run Warehouse programs - even for modem users with a slow Internet connection."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over DistroWatch that the FTP version of SuSE Linux 8.1 is now available.

"SuSE is now available for free. In line with SuSE's download policy, the entire 8.1 directory tree, equivalent to the SuSE's Professional Edition has been uploaded to SuSE's mirrors. As usual, there are no ISO images -- instead SuSE provides a method to install it on your computer directly from an FTP server. You will need the boot CD: boot.iso (18MB). Download it, boot from it and type 'install=ftp://ftp_server/directory' of your chosen mirror at the boot prompt."

International mirror
German mirror
Installation howto

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

ExtremeTech has put up a review on Libranet 2.7

"Libranet is a Debian based distribution. Debian, as you probably already know, is best known for its apt-get feature. Apt makes it extremely easy to install & configure software. Unfortunately the Debian developers have never gone out of their way to make their distribution easy to install and configure. It has never been aimed at the masses. Most of those using Debian have been part of the more elite Linux crowd."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Register has posted a review on SuSE Linux 8.1

"The user experience is so close to XP now that one can expect it to surpass it in the next edition or the one following. Now add to that Linux's resistance to viruses, the comparative speed with which open-source security bugs get fixed, the wealth of free applications included, and the GPL enlightenment that allows you to install it on as many machines as you please and upgrade it free of charge on your own, and you can see why MS is feeling the heat around the corner and not taking it terribly well."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Xandros Desktop is now available for $99:

"Xandros Desktop leverages the performance and reliability of Linux to create a secure desktop environment that breaks down the barriers between Microsoft Windows and Linux. A simple 5 step graphical installation process and uncomplicated configuration facilities get your system up and running quickly while the familiar point and click interface and easy to use applications get you surfing the Web, sending e-mail, chatting, word processing and printing immediately.

Xandros offers organizations and individuals freedom of choice for their computing environment at significant cost savings."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

eWeek has posted a news story on Xandros Linux

"Xandros Inc. is giving users and businesses one more reason to try Linux on the desktop-with applications that mimic Windows' ease of use and interface.

To achieve that, Xandros, in Ottawa, which bought Corel Corp.'s Linux desktop distribution in August last year, signed a deal to integrate CodeWeavers Inc.'s CrossOver technology into the Xandros Desktop 1.0 operating system, due this month.

CrossOver allows users to run Microsoft Corp. applications such as Office, Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player without having
Windows installed"

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

CNET News reports that SuSE and Turbolinux announced a strategic agreement to jointly develop Linux operating system products for IBM's higher-end servers.

"The two companies have much smaller Linux sales than do leader Red Hat, according to IDC. To try to improve their collective position, the two companies combined with Brazil's Conectiva and Utah's SCO Group to form UnitedLinux in May."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over DistroWatch that the SuSE Linux 8.1 live evaluation CD is available for download

"SuSE makes the live-eval version of SuSE Linux available for download as an ISO image. This version runs entirely from the bootable CD and is not installed on the hard disk. If you want to get to know SuSE Linux or test if your hardware is fully supported, the live-eval version is the right choice for you."

Mirror (International)
Mirror (Germany)

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over PCLinuxOnline that eWeek has posted a review on Red Hat Linux 8.0

"Red Hat Linux 8.0 is the first Linux distribution we've tested that supports both KDE (K Desktop Environment) and GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) equally well. GNOME has long been, and still is, Red Hat's default desktop environment, but configuration utilities and other interface niceties are just as well-integrated into KDE as they are in GNOME."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

InfoWorld has posted a story on Xbox Linux:

A GROUP OF developers has released a version of the Linux OS for Microsoft's Xbox game console in Europe, promising to turn the device into a fully-featured PC. Developed by a German group called, the distribution for the Xbox is based on MandrakeSoft Mandrake 9.0 Linux.

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Register reports that the first full version of UnitedLinux will be available from November 18

"That's one of the main snippets of news from an informative presentation on the progress and rationale of the UnitedLinux from a presentation by Gregory Blepp, VP at SuSE and board member of UnitedLinux, made at the London Expo show in London yesterday."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

DistroWatch has updated their "Linux Distributions - Facts and Figures" page

"A Linux distribution is like a religion. If you've ever tried to suggest to another person that his or her choice of a distro might not be the best, then you know what I mean. Even if you haven't, you have probably come across a "distribution opinion war" on one of the mailing lists or public forums. But that's OK. We should be passionate about things we love, even if it's just a mass of programming code. What follows are facts and figures about Linux distributions. Personal opinions may vary, but facts are a lot more difficult to dispute..."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Lycoris has released Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 53 Beta:

Lycoris Desktop/LX is a familiar, powerful and open alternative to Windows. Put the power back into your hands with this new, affordable operating system.

Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

CNET News has posted a news story on Linux Standard Base

"Red Hat 8, SuSE 8.1, SCO Group OpenLinux 3.1.1 and MandrakeSoft 9 ProSuite all comply with the LSB's guidelines, according to the Free Standards Group, which oversees the LSB certification process.

The standards effort is an important part of ensuring Linux doesn't "fork" into multiple incompatible versions, as happened with Unix. The first LSB certifications arrived in August."

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Linux 2912 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Register has posted their review on Red Hat 8.0

"Shock number one was it installed without any hassle. No comments here on partitioning and dual booting, as I was happy just vaping the hard drive (which I appeared to have vaped already for some reason anyway), and accepting the defaults. This gives you what Red Hat terms a Gnome install rather than KDE. I'm more familiar with KDE, but I'm trying to keep out of the religious wars, and thought I might as well see where sticking with what Red Hat thinks best would get me."

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