Phoronix has posted screenshots of Accelerated Knoppix v1.0
Phoronix posted screenshots of GoblinX Mini v1.2.2
Puppy Linux version 1.0.8 has been released
Phoronix has posted screenshots of Berry Linux v0.67
Even though many Linux supporters say that Linux is ideal for low-end handsets, Linux-based operating systems today are being used primarily on high-end phones. But that will change, said Peder Ulander, vice president of marketing for MontaVista Software.
Linux will reach mass-market phones
Linux will reach mass-market phones
Really Linux has published an introductory article encapsulates four of the top things about major enterprise Linux scaling.
Linux Kernel has been released
Damn Small Linux 2.2 has been released
Japanese Linux vendor Turbolinux plans to establish a joint-venture company in India in order to expand its presence in that country, the company said Tuesday
Turbolinux to set up joint venture in India
Turbolinux to set up joint venture in India
Linux Kernel has been released
Phoronix has posted screenshots of Pentoo Mini LiveCD v2006.0
A post on the Register, claiming that Google might be close to rolling out a 'Goobuntu' Linux desktop distro, has been making the usual rounds in the tech news circuit today.
Google Denies Plans to Distribute OS Based on Ubuntu
Google Denies Plans to Distribute OS Based on Ubuntu
A demonstration of the next release of Novell Inc.'s Linux for desktops drew cheers and applause Wednesday, although the final version of the software is not expected for some months.
Novell demonstrates its Linux Desktop 10 in Paris
Novell demonstrates its Linux Desktop 10 in Paris
Linus Torvalds may have his doubts, but fellow Linux leader Alan Cox is supporting the next version of the GPL.
U.K. Linux guru backs GPL 3
U.K. Linux guru backs GPL 3
Phoronix has posted screenshots of SLAX Standard v5.0.7
The uClinux project has been updated
Linus posted on the Linux Kernel Mailing List today and said that the kernel will not be moving to GPLv3.
Linus Torvalds Says No to Kernel Switching to GPLv3
Linus Torvalds Says No to Kernel Switching to GPLv3
Damn Small Linux 2.2 RC1 has been released
VLOS 1.2.1 has been released
LinShots posted a Dreamlinux 1.2.1 Screen Shot Tour