The Budgie edition of Manjaro Linux 20.0.1 has been released.
The Cinnamon edition of Manjaro Linux 20.0 is now available.
The final version of Manjaro Linux 20.0 is now available as Xfce, KDE, and Gnome editions.
The third release candidate of the Xfce edition of Manjaro Linux 20.0 is available for testing.
A new release candidate of Manjaro GNOME 20.0 is available for testing.
The first preview release of Manjaro Linux XFCE Edition 19.1.0 is now available for testing.
The Openbox edition of Manjaro Linux 19.0 is now available.
The Mate edition of Manjaro Linux 19.0 is now available for download. This release ship with the new Mate 1.24 release.
The first release candidate of Manjaro Linux 19.0.1 is now available for testing.
The final version of Manjaro Linux 19.0 (Kyria) is now available
The second release candidate of the KDE edition of Manjaro Linux 19.0 is now available for testing.
The KDE edition of Manjaro Linux 19.0 RC1 is now available for testing.
The release candidates of both Gnome and Xfce edtions of Manjaro Linux 19.0 are now available for testing.
The first preview release of Manjaro Mate 19.0 is now available for testing.
The fourth preview release of Manjaro KDE 19.0 based on Linux Kernel 5.5 is available.
The GNOME edition of Manjaro Linux 19.0 Preview 3 is now available for testing.
The XFCE edition of Manjaro Linux 19.0 Preview 3 is now available for testing.
The third preview release of Manjaro 19.0 is now available for testing.
The second preview release of Manjaro-KDE Kyria 19.0 is now available
A first preview release of Manjaro Linux 19.0 has been released in both GNOME and KDE editions for testing
A new version of the Arch Linux based Manjaro Linux is now available
The final version of the Arch Linux based Manjaro Linux 18.1.4 is now available
The second release candidate of Manjaro Linux 18.1.4 based on Linux Kernel 5.4 has been released as Xfce, KDE, and GNOME editions.
The release candidate of Manjaro Linux 18.1.4 based on Linux Kernel 5.4 has been released as Xfce, KDE, and GNOME editions.
The second preview of Manjaro Linux 18.1.4 based on Linux Kernel 5.4 has been released as Xfce, KDE, and GNOME editions.