RHSA-2024:1782: Important: bind and dhcp security update
Updated bind and dhcp packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:
RHSA-2024:1782: Important: bind and dhcp security update
RHSA-2024:1782: Important: bind and dhcp security update
The following security updates has been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1781: Important: bind9.16 security update
RHSA-2024:1780: Important: unbound security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1751: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:1795: Moderate: VolSync 0.9.1 security fixes and enhancements
RHSA-2024:1789: Important: bind security update
RHSA-2024:1785: Important: X.Org server security update
RHSA-2024:1787: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1786: Important: httpd:2.4/mod_http2 security update
RHSA-2024:1784: Moderate: gnutls security update
RHSA-2024:1781: Important: bind9.16 security update
RHSA-2024:1780: Important: unbound security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1751: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:1795: Moderate: VolSync 0.9.1 security fixes and enhancements
RHSA-2024:1789: Important: bind security update
RHSA-2024:1785: Important: X.Org server security update
RHSA-2024:1787: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1786: Important: httpd:2.4/mod_http2 security update
RHSA-2024:1784: Moderate: gnutls security update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1750: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:1746: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1747: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1753: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.12.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1752: Important: GitOps 1.12.1- Argo CD CLI and MicroShift GitOps security update
RHSA-2024:1750: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:1746: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1747: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1753: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.12.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1752: Important: GitOps 1.12.1- Argo CD CLI and MicroShift GitOps security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1683: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.39 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1692: Moderate: less security update
RHSA-2024:1690: Important: varnish security update
RHSA-2024:1691: Important: varnish security update
RHSA-2024:1687: Important: nodejs:20 security update
RHSA-2024:1688: Important: nodejs:20 security update
RHSA-2024:1689: Important: rh-varnish6-varnish security update
RHSA-2024:1681: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.20 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1679: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.55 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1668: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.8 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1700: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.10.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1697: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.11.3 security update
RHSA-2024:1683: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.39 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1692: Moderate: less security update
RHSA-2024:1690: Important: varnish security update
RHSA-2024:1691: Important: varnish security update
RHSA-2024:1687: Important: nodejs:20 security update
RHSA-2024:1688: Important: nodejs:20 security update
RHSA-2024:1689: Important: rh-varnish6-varnish security update
RHSA-2024:1681: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.20 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1679: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.55 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1668: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.8 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1700: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.10.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1697: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.11.3 security update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1678: Important: nodejs security update
RHSA-2024:1674: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1675: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1676: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1677: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1686: Moderate: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 for OpenShift image security update
RHSA-2024:1678: Important: nodejs security update
RHSA-2024:1674: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1675: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1676: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1677: Important: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.16 Security update
RHSA-2024:1686: Moderate: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 for OpenShift image security update
The following updates are available from Red Hat:
RHSA-2024:1662: Important: Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.2.11 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1572: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.54 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1653: Moderate: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1574: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.54 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1567: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.19 security update
RHSA-2024:1665: Moderate: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.8.6 security and bug fix updates
RHSA-2024:1566: Important: Red Hat build of MicroShift 4.14.19 security update
RHSA-2024:1662: Important: Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.2.11 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1572: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.54 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1653: Moderate: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1574: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.54 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1567: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.19 security update
RHSA-2024:1665: Moderate: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.8.6 security and bug fix updates
RHSA-2024:1566: Important: Red Hat build of MicroShift 4.14.19 security update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1561: Important: Red Hat build of MicroShift 4.15.6 security update
RHSA-2024:1563: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.6 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1643: Important: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1648: Important: bind9.16 security update
RHSA-2024:1644: Important: grafana-pcp security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1647: Important: bind9.16 security update
RHSA-2024:1646: Important: grafana security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1649: Important: postgresql-jdbc: security update
RHSA-2024:1641: Important: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1640: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:1559: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.6 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1615: Moderate: expat security update
RHSA-2024:1614: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1608: Moderate: opencryptoki security update
RHSA-2024:1610: Moderate: less security update
RHSA-2024:1607: Important: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1601: Moderate: curl security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1612: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1561: Important: Red Hat build of MicroShift 4.15.6 security update
RHSA-2024:1563: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.6 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1643: Important: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1648: Important: bind9.16 security update
RHSA-2024:1644: Important: grafana-pcp security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1647: Important: bind9.16 security update
RHSA-2024:1646: Important: grafana security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1649: Important: postgresql-jdbc: security update
RHSA-2024:1641: Important: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1640: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:1559: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.6 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1615: Moderate: expat security update
RHSA-2024:1614: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1608: Moderate: opencryptoki security update
RHSA-2024:1610: Moderate: less security update
RHSA-2024:1607: Important: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1601: Moderate: curl security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1612: Important: kpatch-patch security update
Updated Ruby packages have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9:
RHSA-2024:1576: Moderate: ruby:3.1 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1576: Moderate: ruby:3.1 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
Updated OpenShift and ACS packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1557: Critical: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift Builds 1.0.1
RHSA-2024:1570: Important: ACS 4.4 enhancement and security update
RHSA-2024:1557: Critical: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift Builds 1.0.1
RHSA-2024:1570: Important: ACS 4.4 enhancement and security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1449: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.5 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1554: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1553: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1555: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1552: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1464: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.59 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1549: Critical: ACS 4.3 enhancement and security update
RHSA-2024:1545: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1544: Important: dnsmasq security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1538: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1543: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1537: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.38 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1474: Moderate: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
RHSA-2024:1508: Moderate: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
RHSA-2024:1507: Moderate: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
RHSA-2024:1536: Moderate: Satellite 6.14.3 Async Security Update
RHSA-2024:1449: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.5 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1554: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1553: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1555: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1552: Important: .NET 6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1464: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.59 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1549: Critical: ACS 4.3 enhancement and security update
RHSA-2024:1545: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1544: Important: dnsmasq security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1538: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1543: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1537: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.38 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1474: Moderate: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
RHSA-2024:1508: Moderate: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
RHSA-2024:1507: Moderate: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
RHSA-2024:1536: Moderate: Satellite 6.14.3 Async Security Update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1530: Moderate: expat security update
RHSA-2024:1522: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1518: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2.6 (python-twisted) security update
RHSA-2024:1516: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1.9 (python-twisted) security update
RHSA-2024:1514: Important: libreoffice security fix update
RHSA-2024:1513: Important: libreoffice security fix update
RHSA-2024:1515: Important: squid security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1512: Important: libreoffice security fix update
RHSA-2024:1456: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.38 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1461: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.18 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1454: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.38 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1532: Moderate: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1458: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.18 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1533: Moderate: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1530: Moderate: expat security update
RHSA-2024:1522: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1518: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2.6 (python-twisted) security update
RHSA-2024:1516: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1.9 (python-twisted) security update
RHSA-2024:1514: Important: libreoffice security fix update
RHSA-2024:1513: Important: libreoffice security fix update
RHSA-2024:1515: Important: squid security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1512: Important: libreoffice security fix update
RHSA-2024:1456: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.38 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1461: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.18 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1454: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.38 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1532: Moderate: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1458: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.18 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1533: Moderate: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
Red Hat has released the following security updates:
RHSA-2024:1477: Moderate: Red Hat OpenShift for Windows Containers 8.1.2 security update
RHSA-2024:1501: Important: grafana security update
RHSA-2024:1486: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1503: Important: nodejs:18 security update
RHSA-2024:1502: Important: grafana-pcp security update
RHSA-2024:1496: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1497: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1500: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1498: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1494: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1492: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1493: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1495: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1499: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1489: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1488: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1487: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1491: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1490: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1484: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1485: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1483: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1482: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
RHSA-2024:1481: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
RHSA-2024:1480: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1479: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:1477: Moderate: Red Hat OpenShift for Windows Containers 8.1.2 security update
RHSA-2024:1501: Important: grafana security update
RHSA-2024:1486: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1503: Important: nodejs:18 security update
RHSA-2024:1502: Important: grafana-pcp security update
RHSA-2024:1496: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1497: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1500: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1498: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1494: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1492: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1493: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1495: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1499: Moderate: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:1489: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1488: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1487: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1491: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1490: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1484: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1485: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1483: Critical: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:1482: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
RHSA-2024:1481: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
RHSA-2024:1480: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1479: Important: squid:4 security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1462: Important: golang security update
RHSA-2024:1473: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1472: Important: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:1468: Important: go-toolset-1.19-golang security update
RHSA-2024:1462: Important: golang security update
RHSA-2024:1473: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1472: Important: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:1468: Important: go-toolset-1.19-golang security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1437: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1436: Important: postgresql-jdbc security update
RHSA-2024:1435: Important: postgresql-jdbc security update
RHSA-2024:1434: Moderate: Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing 3.1.1 operator/operand containers
RHSA-2024:1441: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.12.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1362: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.17 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1438: Important: nodejs security update
RHSA-2024:1444: Important: nodejs:16 security update
RHSA-2024:1437: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1436: Important: postgresql-jdbc security update
RHSA-2024:1435: Important: postgresql-jdbc security update
RHSA-2024:1434: Moderate: Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing 3.1.1 operator/operand containers
RHSA-2024:1441: Important: Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.12.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1362: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.17 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1438: Important: nodejs security update
RHSA-2024:1444: Important: nodejs:16 security update
The following updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1393: Important: ovn22.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1394: Important: ovn23.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1392: Important: ovn22.12 security update
RHSA-2024:1391: Important: ovn23.06 security update
RHSA-2024:1390: Important: ovn23.09 security update
RHSA-2024:1388: Important: ovn23.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1385: Important: ovn23.06 security update
RHSA-2024:1386: Important: ovn22.12 security update
RHSA-2024:1387: Important: ovn22.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1383: Important: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.15.0 security, enhancement, & bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1382: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1377: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1375: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:1376: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1372: Moderate: redhat-ds:11 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1267: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.53 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1265: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.53 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1433: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Applications security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1363: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.3 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1431: Moderate: ruby:3.1 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1408: Moderate: emacs security update
RHSA-2024:1428: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1426: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1429: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1427: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1422: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1425: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1424: Important: nodejs security update
RHSA-2024:1423: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1404: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1406: Moderate: bind security update
RHSA-2024:1403: Moderate: fwupd security update
RHSA-2024:1409: Moderate: cups security update
RHSA-2024:1411: Moderate: opencryptoki security update
RHSA-2024:1412: Moderate: gmp update
RHSA-2024:1417: Moderate: libX11 security update
RHSA-2024:1415: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1393: Important: ovn22.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1394: Important: ovn23.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1392: Important: ovn22.12 security update
RHSA-2024:1391: Important: ovn23.06 security update
RHSA-2024:1390: Important: ovn23.09 security update
RHSA-2024:1388: Important: ovn23.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1385: Important: ovn23.06 security update
RHSA-2024:1386: Important: ovn22.12 security update
RHSA-2024:1387: Important: ovn22.03 security update
RHSA-2024:1383: Important: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.15.0 security, enhancement, & bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1382: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1377: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1375: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:1376: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1372: Moderate: redhat-ds:11 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1267: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.53 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:1265: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.53 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1433: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Applications security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1363: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.3 low-latency extras security update
RHSA-2024:1431: Moderate: ruby:3.1 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1408: Moderate: emacs security update
RHSA-2024:1428: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1426: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1429: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1427: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1422: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1425: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1424: Important: nodejs security update
RHSA-2024:1423: Important: libreoffice security update
RHSA-2024:1404: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1406: Moderate: bind security update
RHSA-2024:1403: Moderate: fwupd security update
RHSA-2024:1409: Moderate: cups security update
RHSA-2024:1411: Moderate: opencryptoki security update
RHSA-2024:1412: Moderate: gmp update
RHSA-2024:1417: Moderate: libX11 security update
RHSA-2024:1415: Important: edk2 security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1368: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1367: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1255: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.3 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1316: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 SP3 security update
RHSA-2024:1317: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 SP3 security update
RHSA-2024:1325: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0.1 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1324: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0.1 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1318: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.7.8 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1319: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.7.8 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1354: Important: rh-nodejs14 security update
RHSA-2024:1353: Important: Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13.5 security update
RHSA-2024:1368: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1367: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1255: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.3 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1316: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 SP3 security update
RHSA-2024:1317: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Core Services Apache HTTP Server 2.4.57 SP3 security update
RHSA-2024:1325: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0.1 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1324: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0.1 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1318: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.7.8 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1319: Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.7.8 release and security update
RHSA-2024:1354: Important: rh-nodejs14 security update
RHSA-2024:1353: Important: Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13.5 security update
Updated PostgreSQL:10 packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6:
RHSA-2024:1348: Important: postgresql:10 security update
RHSA-2024:1348: Important: postgresql:10 security update
Red Hat OpenShift GitOps updates are available:
RHSA-2024:1346: Important: Red Hat OpenShift GitOps security update
RHSA-2024:1345: Important: Red Hat OpenShift GitOps security update
RHSA-2024:1346: Important: Red Hat OpenShift GitOps security update
RHSA-2024:1345: Important: Red Hat OpenShift GitOps security update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1335: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1334: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1333: Moderate: Release of OpenShift Serverless 1.32.0
RHSA-2024:1332: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:1328: Moderate: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.9.3 security and bug fix container updates
RHSA-2024:1327: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
RHSA-2024:1335: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1334: Important: dnsmasq security update
RHSA-2024:1333: Moderate: Release of OpenShift Serverless 1.32.0
RHSA-2024:1332: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:1328: Moderate: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.9.3 security and bug fix container updates
RHSA-2024:1327: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1305: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1323: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1321: Moderate: ACS 4.3 enhancement and security update
RHSA-2024:1210: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.2 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1315: Important: postgresql:13 security update
RHSA-2024:1314: Important: postgresql:15 security update
RHSA-2024:1311: Moderate: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1308: Moderate: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1309: Moderate: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1310: Moderate: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1306: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1305: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1323: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1321: Moderate: ACS 4.3 enhancement and security update
RHSA-2024:1210: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.2 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1315: Important: postgresql:13 security update
RHSA-2024:1314: Important: postgresql:15 security update
RHSA-2024:1311: Moderate: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1308: Moderate: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1309: Moderate: .NET 7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1310: Moderate: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1306: Important: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1270: Important: docker security update
RHSA-2024:1269: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:1268: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1304: Moderate: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1303: Moderate: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1278: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1270: Important: docker security update
RHSA-2024:1269: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:1268: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1304: Moderate: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1303: Moderate: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1278: Important: kpatch-patch security update
The following security updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1253: Important: kernel live patch module security update
RHSA-2024:1249: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1248: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1250: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1251: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1244: Moderate: rhc-worker-script security update
RHSA-2024:1253: Important: kernel live patch module security update
RHSA-2024:1249: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1248: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1250: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1251: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1244: Moderate: rhc-worker-script security update
Updated PostgreSQL packages are available for RHEL 9.0 and 9.2:
RHSA-2024:1241: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1240: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1241: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:1240: Important: postgresql security update
The following updates are available from Red Hat:
RHSA-2024:1203: Important: Red Hat OpenShift for Windows Containers 9.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1239: Moderate: opencryptoki security update
RHSA-2024:1227: Important: openvswitch3.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1235: Important: openvswitch3.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1234: Important: openvswitch2.17 security update
RHSA-2024:1203: Important: Red Hat OpenShift for Windows Containers 9.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1239: Moderate: opencryptoki security update
RHSA-2024:1227: Important: openvswitch3.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1235: Important: openvswitch3.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1234: Important: openvswitch2.17 security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0302: Important: Kube Descheduler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 5.0.0 for RHEL 9:security update
RHSA-2024:1188: Moderate: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1196: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1197: Low: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1195: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:1194: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1192: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1193: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1037: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.36 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0281: Moderate: Secondary Scheduler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 1.2.1 for RHEL 9
RHSA-2024:0302: Important: Kube Descheduler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 5.0.0 for RHEL 9:security update
RHSA-2024:1188: Moderate: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:1196: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1197: Low: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1195: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:1194: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1192: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1193: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8.0.1 security update
RHSA-2024:1037: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.36 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0281: Moderate: Secondary Scheduler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 1.2.1 for RHEL 9
The following updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1090: Moderate: tcpdump security update
RHSA-2024:1081: Moderate: sqlite security update
RHSA-2024:1088: Moderate: libX11 security update
RHSA-2024:1082: Moderate: gnutls security update
RHSA-2024:1086: Moderate: libfastjson security update
RHSA-2024:1093: Moderate: frr security update
RHSA-2024:1089: Moderate: haproxy security update
RHSA-2024:1085: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1092: Important: tomcat security update
RHSA-2024:1184: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1052: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.51 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1141: Moderate: mysql security update
RHSA-2024:1142: Moderate: haproxy security update
RHSA-2024:1130: Moderate: openssh security update
RHSA-2024:1149: Moderate: skopeo security update
RHSA-2024:1150: Moderate: buildah security update
RHSA-2024:1129: Moderate: curl security update
RHSA-2024:1147: Moderate: rear security update
RHSA-2024:1139: Low: keylime security update
RHSA-2024:1134: Important: tomcat security update
RHSA-2024:1131: Moderate: golang security update
RHSA-2024:1155: Moderate: fence-agents security update
RHSA-2024:1152: Moderate: frr security update
RHSA-2024:1154: Moderate: libfastjson security update
RHSA-2024:1153: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1103: Moderate: emacs security update
RHSA-2024:1109: Moderate: libmicrohttpd security update
RHSA-2024:1106: Moderate: fwupd security update
RHSA-2024:1102: Moderate: gmp security update
RHSA-2024:1105: Moderate: systemd security update
RHSA-2024:1108: Moderate: gnutls security update
RHSA-2024:1101: Moderate: cups security update
RHSA-2024:1107: Moderate: sqlite security update
RHSA-2024:1112: Important: linux-firmware security update
RHSA-2024:1113: Moderate: frr security update
RHSA-2024:1110: Moderate: device-mapper-multipath security update
RHSA-2024:1090: Moderate: tcpdump security update
RHSA-2024:1081: Moderate: sqlite security update
RHSA-2024:1088: Moderate: libX11 security update
RHSA-2024:1082: Moderate: gnutls security update
RHSA-2024:1086: Moderate: libfastjson security update
RHSA-2024:1093: Moderate: frr security update
RHSA-2024:1089: Moderate: haproxy security update
RHSA-2024:1085: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1092: Important: tomcat security update
RHSA-2024:1184: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1052: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.51 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:1141: Moderate: mysql security update
RHSA-2024:1142: Moderate: haproxy security update
RHSA-2024:1130: Moderate: openssh security update
RHSA-2024:1149: Moderate: skopeo security update
RHSA-2024:1150: Moderate: buildah security update
RHSA-2024:1129: Moderate: curl security update
RHSA-2024:1147: Moderate: rear security update
RHSA-2024:1139: Low: keylime security update
RHSA-2024:1134: Important: tomcat security update
RHSA-2024:1131: Moderate: golang security update
RHSA-2024:1155: Moderate: fence-agents security update
RHSA-2024:1152: Moderate: frr security update
RHSA-2024:1154: Moderate: libfastjson security update
RHSA-2024:1153: Important: squid security update
RHSA-2024:1103: Moderate: emacs security update
RHSA-2024:1109: Moderate: libmicrohttpd security update
RHSA-2024:1106: Moderate: fwupd security update
RHSA-2024:1102: Moderate: gmp security update
RHSA-2024:1105: Moderate: systemd security update
RHSA-2024:1108: Moderate: gnutls security update
RHSA-2024:1101: Moderate: cups security update
RHSA-2024:1107: Moderate: sqlite security update
RHSA-2024:1112: Important: linux-firmware security update
RHSA-2024:1113: Moderate: frr security update
RHSA-2024:1110: Moderate: device-mapper-multipath security update
The following updates has been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1066: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:1074: Moderate: 389-ds:1.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1076: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1077: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1075: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1078: Moderate: Service Telemetry Framework 1.5.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1072: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Container Release Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:1070: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:1069: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:1071: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:1066: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:1074: Moderate: 389-ds:1.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1076: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1077: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1075: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1078: Moderate: Service Telemetry Framework 1.5.4 security update
RHSA-2024:1072: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Container Release Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:1070: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:1069: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:1071: Important: postgresql:12 security update
Updated edk2 packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:
RHSA-2024:1063: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:1063: Important: edk2 security update
A Squid security update has been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8:
RHSA-2024:1062: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:1062: Important: squid:4 security update
The following updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:1061: Moderate: Red Hat Satellite 6 security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1057: Important: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:1058: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:1060: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:1059: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:1055: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1041: Moderate: go-toolset-1.19-golang security update
RHSA-2024:1061: Moderate: Red Hat Satellite 6 security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:1057: Important: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:1058: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:1060: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:1059: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:1055: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:1041: Moderate: go-toolset-1.19-golang security update
The following security updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0766: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1013: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:0948: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.35 security update
RHSA-2024:0946: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.35 security update
RHSA-2024:1018: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1019: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:1017: Important: postgresql:15 security update
RHSA-2024:1027: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Applications security update
RHSA-2024:0766: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 security update
RHSA-2024:1013: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:0948: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.35 security update
RHSA-2024:0946: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.35 security update
RHSA-2024:1018: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1019: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:1017: Important: postgresql:15 security update
RHSA-2024:1027: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Applications security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0944: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.14 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0941: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.14 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0269: Moderate: Run Once Duration Override Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 1.1.0 for RHEL 9
RHSA-2023:7200: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.z security update
RHSA-2023:7201: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 packages and security update
RHSA-2023:7198: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2023:7197: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0954: Important: Red Hat OpenShift for Windows Containers 10.15.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0999: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1004: Important: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:0944: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.14 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0941: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.14 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0269: Moderate: Run Once Duration Override Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 1.1.0 for RHEL 9
RHSA-2023:7200: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.z security update
RHSA-2023:7201: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 packages and security update
RHSA-2023:7198: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2023:7197: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.0 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0954: Important: Red Hat OpenShift for Windows Containers 10.15.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0999: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:1004: Important: edk2 security update
Updated GIMP packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4:
RHSA-2024:1007: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
RHSA-2024:1007: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0976: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0975: Important: postgresql:13 security update
RHSA-2024:0974: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:0973: Important: postgresql:15 security update
RHSA-2024:0977: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0998: Low: Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing 3.1.0 operator/operand containers
RHSA-2024:0982: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0979: Moderate: linux-firmware security update
RHSA-2024:0980: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0983: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0978: Moderate: linux-firmware security update
RHSA-2024:0990: Important: rh-postgresql12-postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0988: Important: rh-postgresql13-postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0992: Important: rh-postgresql10-postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0981: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0984: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0989: Critical: Red Hat Multicluster GlobalHub 1.0.2 bug fixes and security updates
RHSA-2024:0976: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0975: Important: postgresql:13 security update
RHSA-2024:0974: Important: postgresql:12 security update
RHSA-2024:0973: Important: postgresql:15 security update
RHSA-2024:0977: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0998: Low: Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing 3.1.0 operator/operand containers
RHSA-2024:0982: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0979: Moderate: linux-firmware security update
RHSA-2024:0980: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0983: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0978: Moderate: linux-firmware security update
RHSA-2024:0990: Important: rh-postgresql12-postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0988: Important: rh-postgresql13-postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0992: Important: rh-postgresql10-postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0981: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0984: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0989: Critical: Red Hat Multicluster GlobalHub 1.0.2 bug fixes and security updates
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0967: Moderate: opensc security update
RHSA-2024:0965: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0968: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0964: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0970: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0961: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0969: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0960: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0962: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0971: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0972: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0966: Moderate: opensc security update
RHSA-2024:0963: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0957: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0959: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0956: Important: postgresql:10 security update
RHSA-2024:0958: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0955: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0967: Moderate: opensc security update
RHSA-2024:0965: Important: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0968: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0964: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0970: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0961: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0969: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0960: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0962: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0971: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0972: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0966: Moderate: opensc security update
RHSA-2024:0963: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0957: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0959: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0956: Important: postgresql:10 security update
RHSA-2024:0958: Important: thunderbird security update
RHSA-2024:0955: Important: firefox security update
The following four security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0937: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0952: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0951: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0950: Important: postgresql:15 security update
RHSA-2024:0937: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0952: Important: firefox security update
RHSA-2024:0951: Important: postgresql security update
RHSA-2024:0950: Important: postgresql:15 security update
The following two updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0853: Moderate: Network Observability 1.5.0 for OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0934: Important: Red Hat Virtualization security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:0853: Moderate: Network Observability 1.5.0 for OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0934: Important: Red Hat Virtualization security and bug fix update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0876: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0833: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.50 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0845: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.34 security update
RHSA-2024:0930: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0832: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.50 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0837: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.13 security update
RHSA-2024:0894: Moderate: mysql:8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0887: Moderate: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0897: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0889: Moderate: oniguruma security update
RHSA-2024:0881: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:0893: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:0888: Low: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:0903: Moderate: Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.10.6 release and security update
RHSA-2024:0880: Critical: Release of OpenShift Serverless Client kn 1.31.1 security update
RHSA-2024:0879: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
RHSA-2024:0876: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0833: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.50 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0845: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.34 security update
RHSA-2024:0930: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0832: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.50 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0837: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.13 security update
RHSA-2024:0894: Moderate: mysql:8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0887: Moderate: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0897: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0889: Moderate: oniguruma security update
RHSA-2024:0881: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:0893: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:0888: Low: edk2 security update
RHSA-2024:0903: Moderate: Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.10.6 release and security update
RHSA-2024:0880: Critical: Release of OpenShift Serverless Client kn 1.31.1 security update
RHSA-2024:0879: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0866: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
RHSA-2024:0861: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
RHSA-2024:0863: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
RHSA-2024:0862: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
RHSA-2024:0866: Moderate: java-1.8.0-ibm security update
RHSA-2024:0861: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
RHSA-2024:0863: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
RHSA-2024:0862: Important: gimp:2.8 security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0857: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:0855: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:0857: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:0855: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0827: Important: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0851: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0850: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0848: Important: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0843: Critical: Release of OpenShift Serverless 1.31.1
RHSA-2024:0827: Important: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0851: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0850: Important: kpatch-patch security update
RHSA-2024:0848: Important: .NET 8.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0843: Critical: Release of OpenShift Serverless 1.31.1
The following security updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0814: Important: .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:0741: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.33 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0740: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.33 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0811: Moderate: sudo security update
RHSA-2024:0820: Critical: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.8.5 security and bug fix container updates
RHSA-2024:0814: Important: .NET 6.0 security, bug fix, and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:0741: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.33 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0740: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.33 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0811: Moderate: sudo security update
RHSA-2024:0820: Critical: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.8.5 security and bug fix container updates
The following security updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0771: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:0796: Moderate: gnutls security update
RHSA-2024:0797: Important: Satellite 6.14.2 Async Security Update
RHSA-2024:0806: Important: dotnet7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0808: Important: dotnet6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0805: Important: dotnet7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0807: Important: dotnet6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0735: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.12 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0804: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update
RHSA-2024:0798: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update on RHEL 7
RHSA-2024:0800: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update on RHEL 9
RHSA-2024:0799: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update on RHEL 8
RHSA-2024:0801: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 for OpenShift image enhancement update
RHSA-2024:0771: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:0796: Moderate: gnutls security update
RHSA-2024:0797: Important: Satellite 6.14.2 Async Security Update
RHSA-2024:0806: Important: dotnet7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0808: Important: dotnet6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0805: Important: dotnet7.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0807: Important: dotnet6.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0735: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.12 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0804: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update
RHSA-2024:0798: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update on RHEL 7
RHSA-2024:0800: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update on RHEL 9
RHSA-2024:0799: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 security update on RHEL 8
RHSA-2024:0801: Important: Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.7 for OpenShift image enhancement update
The following Red Hat Enterprise Linux updates are available:
RHSA-2024:0773: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:0772: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:0786: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0785: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0775: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0778: Important: Jenkins and Jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0777: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0776: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0774: Moderate: Red Hat Certificate System 10.4 for RHEL 8 security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:0793: Important: Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 4.0.3 release security update
RHSA-2024:0792: Moderate: Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 3.20.5 release and security update
RHSA-2024:0790: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0791: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0789: Important: Red Hat Build of Apache Camel 4.0 for Quarkus 3.2 release (RHBQ 3.2.10.Final)
RHSA-2024:0773: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:0772: Important: squid:4 security update
RHSA-2024:0786: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0785: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0775: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0778: Important: Jenkins and Jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0777: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0776: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update
RHSA-2024:0774: Moderate: Red Hat Certificate System 10.4 for RHEL 8 security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:0793: Important: Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 4.0.3 release security update
RHSA-2024:0792: Moderate: Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 3.20.5 release and security update
RHSA-2024:0790: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0791: Moderate: nss security update
RHSA-2024:0789: Important: Red Hat Build of Apache Camel 4.0 for Quarkus 3.2 release (RHBQ 3.2.10.Final)
The following two security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:
RHSA-2024:0768: Moderate: libmaxminddb security update
RHSA-2024:0769: Moderate: tcpdump security update
RHSA-2024:0768: Moderate: libmaxminddb security update
RHSA-2024:0769: Moderate: tcpdump security update
A linux-firmware security update is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7:
RHSA-2024:0753: Moderate: linux-firmware security update
RHSA-2024:0753: Moderate: linux-firmware security update
The following updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0764: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0666: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.49 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0664: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.49 bug fix update and security update
RHSA-2024:0684: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.58 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0682: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.58 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0757: Important: container-tools:4.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0759: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0752: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0760: Important: container-tools:3.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0754: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:0758: Important: container-tools:2.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0755: Important: runc security update
RHSA-2024:0748: Important: container-tools:4.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0756: Important: runc security update
RHSA-2024:0751: Moderate: libmaxminddb security update
RHSA-2024:0749: Moderate: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0750: Moderate: libmaxminddb security update
RHSA-2024:0728: Moderate: Logging Subsystem 5.8.3 - Red Hat OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0745: Moderate: Red Hat Ceph Storage 5.3 Security update
RHSA-2024:0746: Important: new container image: rhceph-5.3
RHSA-2024:0645: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.11 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0662: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.32 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0764: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0666: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.49 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0664: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.49 bug fix update and security update
RHSA-2024:0684: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.58 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0682: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.58 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0757: Important: container-tools:4.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0759: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0752: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
RHSA-2024:0760: Important: container-tools:3.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0754: Important: python-pillow security update
RHSA-2024:0758: Important: container-tools:2.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0755: Important: runc security update
RHSA-2024:0748: Important: container-tools:4.0 security update
RHSA-2024:0756: Important: runc security update
RHSA-2024:0751: Moderate: libmaxminddb security update
RHSA-2024:0749: Moderate: unbound security update
RHSA-2024:0750: Moderate: libmaxminddb security update
RHSA-2024:0728: Moderate: Logging Subsystem 5.8.3 - Red Hat OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0745: Moderate: Red Hat Ceph Storage 5.3 Security update
RHSA-2024:0746: Important: new container image: rhceph-5.3
RHSA-2024:0645: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.11 packages and security update
RHSA-2024:0662: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.32 packages and security update
The following security updates are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
RHSA-2024:0695: Moderate: Logging 5.6.16 - Red Hat OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0729: Critical: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.7.11 security and bug fix container update
RHSA-2024:0733: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:0694: Moderate: Logging Subsystem 5.7.11 - Red Hat OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0642: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.11 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0641: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.11 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0724: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:0723: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0725: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:0719: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Runtimes security, bug fix and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:0660: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.32 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0720: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Runtimes security, bug fix and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:0716: Important: gimp security update
RHSA-2024:0717: Important: runc security update
RHSA-2024:0695: Moderate: Logging 5.6.16 - Red Hat OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0729: Critical: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.7.11 security and bug fix container update
RHSA-2024:0733: Moderate: Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Product Security and Bug Fix Update
RHSA-2024:0694: Moderate: Logging Subsystem 5.7.11 - Red Hat OpenShift
RHSA-2024:0642: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.11 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0641: Critical: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.11 security and extras update
RHSA-2024:0724: Important: kernel security and bug fix update
RHSA-2024:0723: Important: kernel security update
RHSA-2024:0725: Important: kernel-rt security update
RHSA-2024:0719: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Runtimes security, bug fix and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:0660: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.32 bug fix and security update
RHSA-2024:0720: Moderate: Migration Toolkit for Runtimes security, bug fix and enhancement update
RHSA-2024:0716: Important: gimp security update
RHSA-2024:0717: Important: runc security update
Updated Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.15 packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, and 9:
RHSA-2024:0711: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.15 Security update
RHSA-2024:0710: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.15 Security update
RHSA-2024:0712: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.15 security update
RHSA-2024:0711: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.15 Security update
RHSA-2024:0710: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.15 Security update
RHSA-2024:0712: Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.15 security update