Debian 10360 Published by

Final test images of Debian GNU/Linux 10 are now available for testing

Release testing
Simple: list here the tests that you've done on the images you've downloaded. Help us make this release (Buster 10.0) the best one ever!

We need to know, for each test:

type of hardware (make, model etc. if relevant)
image used (full filename please!)
installer display type (text/gui/serial/?)
how you booted it (ISO / USB stick / network etc.)
language / kb layout etc. chosen
network / no network connected
filesystem layout choices
choice of desktop
BIOS / UEFI if applicable
Real Hardware or VM (and type of VM)
did all go OK? If not, we need to know today - tell us on IRC

anything unexpected?
Thanks for your help! :):

We will be co-ordinating on IRC (#debian-cd on to ensure that we cover the stuff we want, and to avoid duplication of efforts.

For more information visit this page