Ubuntu 6676 Published by

Updated Exim packages has been released for Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-4124-1
September 06, 2019

exim4 vulnerability
A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

- Ubuntu 19.04
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS


Exim could be made to run programs as an administrator if it received
specially crafted network traffic.

Software Description:
- exim4: Exim is a mail transport agent


It was discovered that Exim incorrectly handled certain decoding
operations. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to execute
arbitrary commands.

Update instructions:

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:

Ubuntu 19.04:
exim4-daemon-heavy 4.92-4ubuntu1.3
exim4-daemon-light 4.92-4ubuntu1.3

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
exim4-daemon-heavy 4.90.1-1ubuntu1.4
exim4-daemon-light 4.90.1-1ubuntu1.4

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:
exim4-daemon-heavy 4.86.2-2ubuntu2.5
exim4-daemon-light 4.86.2-2ubuntu2.5

In general, a standard system update will make all the necessary changes.

CVE-2019-15846, https://launchpad.net/bugs/1843041

Package Information:
  Exim Security Update for Ubuntu