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The Wine development release 4.15 is now available

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Initial implementation of the HTTP service.
- Stack unwinding support on ARM64.
- Better multi-monitor support on macOS.
- RichEdit control optimizations.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 4.15 (total 28):

22383 Dragon Age: Origins - massive flickering when StrictDrawOrdering is disabled
33834 user32: multiline edit control renders tabs not correctly using usp10
34830 rpcrt4:cstub fails and crashes on Windows 8
37781 Multiple Microsoft Redistributable/Component installers running in Windows 7 mode need dummy Windows Update Service (MS .NET Framework 4.5, MS VC++ 2015 Redist)
38245 Construct 2 can't create a localhost server (needs implementation of version 1 httpapi request queues)
40868 World of Warcraft 7 (Legion expansion beta realm version) client causes a lot of seh:RtlCaptureStackBackTrace stub noise in console
41752 Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 Corrupted Models & Textures in Game
42681 Regression: Graphics/Texture no longer render correctly in Reflex Arena
43387 valgrind shows several definite leaks in dlls/windowscodecs/tests/metadata.c
44958 Epic Games crash reporter needs 'dbgeng.DebugCreate' to support IDebugClient5 interface
45420 Titanfall 2 Multiplayer mode stuck on Attempting Connection
45843 Battleye's BEDaisy.sys expects memory allocated by ExAllocatePoolWithTag to be executable
46315 Vypress Chat 2.1.9 MSI installer crashes without native jscript
47035 widl generates typelib file with enums multiply defined
47041 wire_marshal attribute ignored and the underlying type is used instead
47049 boolean type defined as 'unsigned char' rather than 'char'
47050 typedef'd anonymous structs typedef'd names are not used in interface methods
47101 Multiple 64-bit game and application crash reporting tools need x86_64 'ntdll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace' implementation
47149 widl generates invalid C headers when user-defined structs also have const typedef'd names
47427 Glide wrapper - Configuration buttons misbehaving
47436 `winetricks -q dotnet30sp1` fails
47442 Quickbooks 2018 installer fails during Amyuni ABS PDF driver installation, reporting 'File not found.' (needs stub 'regini.exe')
47494 SuperTux: Fullscreen mode not working on MacOSX (Invalid monitor handle)
47523 EverQuest crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.EnumSystemFirmwareTables since build Jul 12 2019
47563 Sforzando Sample Player works but GUI is blank (unusable)
47633 Guild Wars quits silently after the splash screen
47636 Multiple games text is upside down (affects Wizard101, Touhou, Unreal Tournament)
47661 SwanSoft CNC: Crashes when clicking "tools management" button
  Wine 4.15 released