Software 43067 Published by

The Wine development release 4.4 is now available

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- New MSIDB tool for manipulating MSI databases.
- Support for custom draw buttons in common controls.
- Many more Media Foundation APIs implemented.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 4.4 (total 50):

10407 StarForce v3 kernel driver service 'sfhlp02' crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.IoCreateSynchronizationEvent
10531 Windows Calculator: Color in buttons missing
13087 Hard Truck Apocalypse fails to load keyboard layout
17005 Chicken Tournament: Rendering issues
23175 Zak McKracken - Between Time and Space fails to play back intro video (ICM_DECOMPRESS_GET_FORMAT problems with Xvid)
25180 Clonk Endeavour's intro video is not rendered correctly (iccvid does not support non-multiple of 4 video width)
28240 Mipony 1.5.x (.NET 2.0 app): Embedded web browser shown in too small window
28847 LabChart Reader 7.x crashes due to missing wmvcore 'IWMProfileManager2', CLSID '{7a924e51-73c1-494d-8019-23d37ed9b89a}'
30548 MediaOne Plus 2.0 PhotoImpact (Ulead PhotoImpact X3) installer runs "regedit" with unsupported "/c" switch
33506 Microsoft Expression Design 4 (Free Version) crashes when quickly populating main menu items (dropdown sub-menu drawing)
35251 Skype 4 MSI installer fails to start Skype.exe when finishing installation in Vista mode (TaskService_Connect is a stub)
35841 R.U.S.E. Demo need wmvcore.dll.WMCreateSyncReader implementation
35986 Multiple DRM-enabled apps and games crash when being relay traced (game overlay renderer enabled Steam games)
37325 Rhapsody 4.0 auto setup for DRM crashes on unimplemented function wmvcore.dll.WMCreateBackupRestorerPrivate
37327 Rhapsody 4.0 crashes on unimplemented function 'wmvcore.dll.WMCreateSyncReaderPriv' when playing a track
37585 64-bit Chromium browser engine with native API sandboxing/hooking scheme fails if 64-bit is not mapped at desired fixed address (Google Chrome 38+ crashes with WinVer W conversion case of GCS_COMPSTR.
  Wine 4.4 released