Another Reminder: Get your free Ubuntu Linux CDs Ubuntu 6683 Published 20 years ago by Philipp Esselbach News Comments 2 #163864 dapperdan & danleff rock! 20 years ago has anyone succesfully goten one of these cds? i orderd the default 10 about 3 1/2 weeks about and still dont have them.................. 0 0 #163865 Philipp Administrator 20 years ago From the FAQ:The first batch of CDs started leaving the warehouse on November 8, 2004. These CDs will take up to several weeks to finish leaving the warehouse and then will continue.You can check your shipping status here: in with your email and password 0 0
#163864 dapperdan & danleff rock! 20 years ago has anyone succesfully goten one of these cds? i orderd the default 10 about 3 1/2 weeks about and still dont have them.................. 0 0
#163865 Philipp Administrator 20 years ago From the FAQ:The first batch of CDs started leaving the warehouse on November 8, 2004. These CDs will take up to several weeks to finish leaving the warehouse and then will continue.You can check your shipping status here: in with your email and password 0 0
You can check your shipping status here:
Log in with your email and password