Fedora Test Update Notification: Mozilla Fedora Linux 8811 Published 2003-11-14 16:13 by Philipp Esselbach News Comments 1 #163768 standby 2003-11-27 09:11 The problem is likely to be a invalid symbolic link to the Mozilla build directory .fontEncoding.properties -> ../../../../../../BUILD/mozilla/gfx/src/gtk/fontEncoding.propertiesremove this file may work.the invalid link is included in mozilla-1.4.1-18.rpm 0 0
#163768 standby 2003-11-27 09:11 The problem is likely to be a invalid symbolic link to the Mozilla build directory .fontEncoding.properties -> ../../../../../../BUILD/mozilla/gfx/src/gtk/fontEncoding.propertiesremove this file may work.the invalid link is included in mozilla-1.4.1-18.rpm 0 0
fontEncoding.properties -> ../../../../../../BUILD/mozilla/gfx/src/gtk/fontEncoding.properties
remove this file may work.
the invalid link is included in mozilla-1.4.1-18.rpm