CentOS 5533 Published by

The following updates are available for CentOS:

Announcing release for MariaDB 5.5 and 10.0 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for MariaDB 5.5 and 10.0 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for MongoDB 2.4 and 2.6 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for MongoDB 2.4 and 2.6 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for NodeJS 0.10 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for NodeJS 0.10 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for PostgreSQL 9.2 and 9.4 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL
Announcing release for PostgreSQL 9.2 and 9.4 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL
CESA-2015:2671 Important CentOS 5 jakarta-commons-collections Security Update

Announcing release for MariaDB 5.5 and 10.0 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 5.5 and
10.0 of the MariaDB server on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64, delivered via a
Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of MariaDB 10.0):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-mariadb100
$ scl enable rh-mariadb100 bash

At this point you should be able to use MariaDB just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ service rh-mariadb100-mariadb start
$ mysql

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages plugins, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-mariadb100\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-mariadb100 delivers version 10.0 of the MariaDB server
(with daemon called rh-mariadb100-mariadb) and related client tools. The
collection mariadb55 delivers version 5.5 of the MariaDB server (with
daemon called mariadb55-mariadb) and related client tools.

Both the collections include no client library libmysqlclient.so and
client applications are advised to use the client library available in
mysql-libs package from base system.

For more on the MariaDB, see https://mariadb.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the MariaDB collections
being released here, we also build and deliver other databases, web
servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of MySQL,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for MariaDB 5.5 and 10.0 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 5.5 and
10.0 of the MariaDB server on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a
Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of MariaDB 10.0):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-mariadb100
$ scl enable rh-mariadb100 bash

At this point you should be able to use MariaDB just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ systemctl start rh-mariadb100-mariadb
$ mysql

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages plugins, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-mariadb100\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-mariadb100 delivers version 10.0 of the MariaDB server
(with daemon called rh-mariadb100-mariadb) and related client tools. The
collection mariadb55 delivers version 5.5 of the MariaDB server (with
daemon called mariadb55-mariadb) and related client tools.

Both the collections include no client library libmysqlclient.so and
client applications are advised to use the client library available in
mysql-libs package from base system.

For more on the MariaDB, see https://mariadb.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the MariaDB collections
being released here, we also build and deliver other databases, web
servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of MySQL,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for MongoDB 2.4 and 2.6 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 2.4 and
2.6 of the MongoDB server on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64, delivered via a
Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of MongoDB 2.6):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-mongodb26 rh-mongodb26-mongodb
$ scl enable rh-mongodb26 bash

At this point you should be able to use MongoDB just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ service rh-mongodb26-mongod start
$ mongo

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-mongodb26\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-mongodb26 delivers version 2.6 of the MongoDB server
(with daemon called rh-mongodb26-mongod) and related client tools. The
collection mongodb24 delivers version 2.4 of the MongoDB server (with
daemon called mongodb24-mongodb) and related client tools. Both
collections also include mongo-java-driver to connect to MongoDB server
in Java.

For more on the MongoDB, see http://mongodb.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the MongoDB collections
being released here, we also build and deliver other databases, web
servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL,
MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for MongoDB 2.4 and 2.6 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 2.4 and
2.6 of the MongoDB server on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a
Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of MongoDB 2.6):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-mongodb26 rh-mongodb26-mongodb
$ scl enable rh-mongodb26 bash

At this point you should be able to use MongoDB just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ systemctl start rh-mongodb26-mongod
$ mongo

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-mongodb26\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-mongodb26 delivers version 2.6 of the MongoDB server
(with daemon called rh-mongodb26-mongod) and related client tools. The
collection mongodb24 delivers version 2.4 of the MongoDB server (with
daemon called mongodb24-mongodb) and related client tools. Both
collections also include mongo-java-driver to connect to MongoDB server
in Java.

For more on the MongoDB, see http://mongodb.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the MongoDB collections
being released here, we also build and deliver other databases, web
servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL,
MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 5.5 and
5.6 of the MySQL on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64, delivered via a Software
Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of MySQL 5.6):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-mysql56
$ scl enable rh-mysql56 bash

At this point you should be able to use MySQL just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ service rh-mysql56-mysqld start
$ mysql

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages plugins, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-mysql56\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-mysql56 delivers version 5.6 of the MySQL server (with
daemon called rh-mysql56-mysqld) and related client tools. The
collection mysql55 delivers version 5.5 of the MySQL server (with daemon
called mysql55-mysqld) and related client tools.

Both the collections include no client library libmysqlclient.so and
client applications are advised to use the client library available in
mysql-libs package from base system.

For more on the MySQL, see https://www.mysql.com.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the MySQL collections
being released here, we also build and deliver other databases, web
servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of MariaDB,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 5.5 and
5.6 of the MySQL on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a Software
Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of MySQL 5.6):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-mysql56
$ scl enable rh-mysql56 bash

At this point you should be able to use MySQL just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ systemctl start rh-mysql56-mysqld
$ mysql

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages plugins, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-mysql56\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-mysql56 delivers version 5.6 of the MySQL server (with
daemon called rh-mysql56-mysqld) and related client tools. The
collection mysql55 delivers version 5.5 of the MySQL server (with daemon
called mysql55-mysqld) and related client tools.

Both the collections include no client library libmysqlclient.so and
client applications are advised to use the client library available in
mysql-libs package from base system.

For more on the MySQL, see https://www.mysql.com.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the MySQL collections
being released here, we also build and deliver other databases, web
servers, and language stacks including multiple versions of MariaDB,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for NodeJS 0.10 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of version 0.10 of
the NodeJS on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64, delivered via a Software Collection
(SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps:
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install nodejs010
$ scl enable nodejs010 bash

At this point you should be able to use NodeJS just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ node my-app.js
$ npm install uglify-js --global
$ uglifyjs my-app.js -o my-app.min.js

In order to view the individual components included in this
collection, including additional NodeJS modules, you can run:
$ sudo yum list nodejs010\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection nodejs010 delivers version 0.10 of the NodeJS Javascript
interpreter, npm installer and some other modules that are also included
in the collections as RPMs.

For more on the NodeJS, see https://nodejs.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the NodeJS collection
being released here, we also build and deliver databases, web servers,
and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL, MariaDB,
Apache HTTP Server, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for NodeJS 0.10 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of version 0.10 of
the NodeJS on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a Software Collection
(SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps:
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install nodejs010
$ scl enable nodejs010 bash

At this point you should be able to use NodeJS just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ node my-app.js
$ npm install uglify-js --global
$ uglifyjs my-app.js -o my-app.min.js

In order to view the individual components included in this
collection, including additional NodeJS modules, you can run:
$ sudo yum list nodejs010\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection nodejs010 delivers version 0.10 of the NodeJS Javascript
interpreter, npm installer and some other modules that are also included
in the collections as RPMs.

For more on the NodeJS, see https://nodejs.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the NodeJS collection
being released here, we also build and deliver databases, web servers,
and language stacks including multiple versions of PostgreSQL, MariaDB,
Apache HTTP Server, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for PostgreSQL 9.2 and 9.4 on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 9.2 and
9.4 of the PostgreSQL server on CentOS Linux 6 x86_64, delivered via a
Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of PostgreSQL 9.4):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-postgresql94
$ scl enable rh-postgresql94 bash

At this point you should be able to use PostgreSQL just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ postgresql-setup --initdb
$ service rh-postgresql94-postgresql start
$ psql

Since su and sudo commands clear environment variables, we need to run
scl enable once again for example after switching to postgres user role:
$ su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql94 -- psql'

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-postgresql94\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-postgresql94 delivers version 9.4 of the PostgreSQL
server and related client tools. The collection postgresql92 delivers
version 9.2 of the PostgreSQL server and related client tools. The
collections also include client library libpq.so, which is however only
meant to be used by the server, while other client applications are
advised to use the client library available in postgresql-libs package
from base system.

For more on the PostgreSQL, see http://www.postgresql.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the PostgreSQL
collections being released here, we also build and deliver other
databases, web servers, and language stacks including multiple versions
of MySQL, MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

Announcing release for PostgreSQL 9.2 and 9.4 on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 SCL

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of versions 9.2 and
9.4 of the PostgreSQL server on CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, delivered via a
Software Collection (SCL) built by the SCLo Special Interest Group

You can get started in three easy steps (example of PostgreSQL 9.4):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install rh-postgresql94
$ scl enable rh-postgresql94 bash

At this point you should be able to use PostgreSQL just as a normal
application. An examples of commands run might be:
$ postgresql-setup --initdb
$ systemctl start rh-postgresql94-postgresql
$ psql

Since su and sudo commands clear environment variables, we need to run
scl enable once again for example after switching to postgres user role:
$ su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql94 -- psql'

In order to view the individual components included in this collection,
including additional subpackages, you can run:
$ sudo yum list rh-postgresql94\*

About Software Collections
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting
system-wide installed packages. Each collection is delivered as a group
of RPMs, with the grouping being done using the name of the collection
as a prefix of all packages that are part of the software collection.

The collection rh-postgresql94 delivers version 9.4 of the PostgreSQL
server and related client tools. The collection postgresql92 delivers
version 9.2 of the PostgreSQL server and related client tools. The
collections also include client library libpq.so, which is however only
meant to be used by the server, while other client applications are
advised to use the client library available in postgresql-libs package
from base system.

For more on the PostgreSQL, see http://www.postgresql.org.

The SCLo SIG in CentOS
The Software Collections SIG group is an open community group
co-ordinating the development of the SCL technology, and helping curate
a reference set of collections. In addition to the PostgreSQL
collections being released here, we also build and deliver other
databases, web servers, and language stacks including multiple versions
of MySQL, MariaDB, Apache HTTP Server, NodeJS, Ruby, Python and others.

Software Collections SIG release was announced at

You can learn more about Software Collections concepts at:
You can find information on the SIG at
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo ; this includes howto
get involved and help with the effort.

We meet every second Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel (ref:
https://www.centos.org/community/calendar), for an informal open forum
open to anyone who might have comments, concerns or wants to get started
with SCL's in CentOS.


SCLo SIG member

CESA-2015:2671 Important CentOS 5 jakarta-commons-collections Security Update

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2015:2671 Important

Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-2671.html

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )

3e91e8870eb490c06269ba53179728b3afbe6df74144a5033bd5d762591f3b3b jakarta-commons-collections-3.2-2jpp.4.i386.rpm
e204902787c9476bbeee8f399eef182ddbe8dac776d6ddd23850498558ed4399 jakarta-commons-collections-javadoc-3.2-2jpp.4.i386.rpm
81ca9f0edcf5d0cde39f5f6f81c7535ddd5f01c444e731e3387b947751f2a696 jakarta-commons-collections-testframework-3.2-2jpp.4.i386.rpm
1401ddec74229e5f7bb0da50a3d5c47b7912a2276296284096394f73c37a85b6 jakarta-commons-collections-testframework-javadoc-3.2-2jpp.4.i386.rpm
ab3d96dfe6aebc3c7b4f7ce7f0f307ddc210b1885e72ccf2d14bb9427bcd315a jakarta-commons-collections-tomcat5-3.2-2jpp.4.i386.rpm

74add7a4f0f7879d2108f06e5216602dd05963b88c7984b6d247d136578dc449 jakarta-commons-collections-3.2-2jpp.4.x86_64.rpm
48eb0f726e79b462a8505f7960481006a6c252bccbf37a3cccbb416030b48da8 jakarta-commons-collections-javadoc-3.2-2jpp.4.x86_64.rpm
0934cf0cb13caf4cbac653a13895b933648e40a76a4d900c8b08d1a51d2a5231 jakarta-commons-collections-testframework-3.2-2jpp.4.x86_64.rpm
314c67cfaf4bef3c95326d83fa164d64c3ede371d7c712e40598e12eebe42064 jakarta-commons-collections-testframework-javadoc-3.2-2jpp.4.x86_64.rpm
356b54c0aded684d0d0b7f5ecc056c2f62f666011c84c342b95a6863b4499b87 jakarta-commons-collections-tomcat5-3.2-2jpp.4.x86_64.rpm

1470c341f4d068e5c6fe3f8dc619f4a2be4ab7c0b720a54dd15a80a3fe1d5502 jakarta-commons-collections-3.2-2jpp.4.src.rpm