Debian 10347 Published by

Two new updates are available for Debian GNU/Linux:

[DLA 120-2] xorg-server regression update
[DSA 3249-1] jqueryui security update

[DLA 120-2] xorg-server regression update

Package : xorg-server
Version : 2:1.7.7-18+deb6u3
CVE ID : CVE-2015-3418
Debian Bug : #774308

Andreas Cord-Landwehr reported an issue where the X.Org Xserver would
often crash with an arithmetic exception when maximizing application

This issue (CVE-2015-3418) is a regression which got introduced by fixing
CVE-2014-8092. The above referenced version of xorg-server in Debian
squeeze-lts fixes this regression in the following way:

The length checking code validates PutImage height and byte width by
making sure that byte-width >= INT32_MAX / height. If height is zero,
this generates a divide by zero exception. Allow zero height requests
explicitly, bypassing the INT32_MAX check (in dix/dispatch.c).

[DSA 3249-1] jqueryui security update

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-3249-1 Sebastien Delafond
May 03, 2015
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Package : jqueryui
CVE ID : CVE-2010-5312

Shadowman131 discovered that jqueryui, a JavaScript UI library for
dynamic web applications, failed to properly sanitize its "title"
option. This would allow a remote attacker to inject arbitrary code
through cross-site scripting.

For the oldstable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed
in version 1.8.ooops.21+dfsg-2+deb7u1.

For the stable distribution (jessie), testing distribution (stretch)
and unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
version 1.10.1+dfsg-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your jqueryui packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: